I-205 Tolling Project Update
For the past few years, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has been developing plans to address the I-205 bottleneck and the Abernethy bridge seismic updates. I have been vocal about my thoughts on tolling, and I continue to oppose ODOTs current plans where the cost of these projects unfairly impact residents of House District 37. We must look for regional solutions that won’t negatively impact our communities or lead to traffic diversion onto our neighborhood streets putting our communities at risk.
ODOT has set up a virtual open house full of information about their plans for I-205, including eight stations: Raise funds and improve travel, The I-205 Toll Project, Leading with equity, Environmental review, Compare the alternatives, Share your ideas, Stay involved, and a contact page. You can access ODOTs virtual open house for I-205 here. Under the “Share your ideas” station there is a survey that will be open through September 16, 2020. You can also access that survey here. ODOT has heard from me but they MUST hear from you too! Your comments about how tolls affect you and your community are critical.
Additional resources:
It is crucial members of our community continue to participate in this conversation and make their voices heard. ODOT will be hosting three community webinars in August to give the community the opportunity to learn about the project, ask questions, and give comments directly to their team. All three of the webinars will cover the same topics so find the time that works best for you:
Webinar 1
Wednesday, August 12, Noon - 1:00 p.m.
(join via Zoom or YouTube Live)
Webinar 2
Tuesday, August 18, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
(join via Zoom or YouTube Live)
Webinar 3
Thursday, August 20, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
(join via Zoom or YouTube Live)
Two additional committee meetings you can follow are the Equity and Mobility Committee created to ensure both the I-205 and 1-5 development process continues to be equitable. Region 1 Area Commission on Transportation also known as R1ACT, an advisory body established to provide a forum for stakeholders to collaborate on transportation affecting ODOT Region 1.