Hi! It’s Cecilia, Team Espy’s finance director.

I know you typically hear from me at the end of the month or quarter, when we’re coming up on a major fundraising deadline, but I’m reaching out to you today because August is a notoriously tough month for campaign fundraising. Even more so during a pandemic.

We’re now only 90 days away from the general election, which means we have 90 days left to help Mike connect with Mississippians across the state, get our ads on the air, spread our message far and wide, and mobilize more voters than ever before.

That’s a lot to do in just three months, but with enough grassroots support, we can do it. Mike came within a single digit of defeating Cindy Hyde-Smith in 2018, closer than any Democrat has come to winning a U.S. Senate seat in this state since 1986.

We can help Mike make history this November and move Mississippi forward along a brighter, stronger path – but only if we continue to hit our fundraising goals along the way.

With that said, can you chip in $10 or whatever fits your budget this month to help our campaign get off to an early start and ensure we hit our August fundraising goal?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Mike and the rest of us on Team Espy are so grateful for anything you’re able to give!

Thanks for all you do,

Cecilia Criddle
Finance Director
Espy for Senate