The climate crisis is getting worse, and is already severely impacting this nation’s most oppressed communities.

Click here to sign on in support of the House Democratic plan to fight the climate crisis, and read Debbie’s message below for more details.

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With record-breaking temperatures in the Arctic Circle, it’s clearer than ever that the climate crisis poses an existential threat to the wellbeing of every human being on earth.

That’s why I’m proud to support a new House Democratic plan that calls for a significant expansion of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power. It also directly addresses our shameful pattern of inflicting the highest levels of environmental contamination on low-income and minority communities.

Add your name here if you agree that we need to take concrete action to address the climate crisis now, before it’s too late!

Fight the climate crisis

Lives are on the line. With Trump openly attacking environmental protections, we can’t afford to wait. We must act now.

Sign here if you agree that now is the time to address the climate crisis.

Thank you for all that you do,
