
A message from our sponsor

2020 November Election Security Survey

Do you think a "vote by mail" election system is prone to voter fraud?


Fellow Patriot,

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) just made public her plans to seize total control in Washington, D.C.

Every time she gets in front of the TV cameras, she insists America MUST transition to a “vote by mail” system and enact same-day voter registration.

She believes the ongoing public health scare will allow her to dupe Americans into a system ripe for voter fraud – allowing her to ensure she gets to hang onto her position as Speaker of the House and deliver the White House and U.S. Senate to her cronies.

This would be a dream come true for Democrats who have proven they’ll stoop to ANY low to kick President Trump out of the White House.

If you’re as concerned as I am about allowing Nancy Pelosi to overhaul our election system, will you please click here to fill out your November 2020 Election Security Survey right away?

We all know that Leftists have been doing everything in their power to “bend the rules” of our elections. Just in recent years you and I have seen:

>>> Over 1,000 illegal aliens successfully register to vote in a handful of counties in battleground Virginia.

>>> “Ballot harvesting” in California where anybody can collect and turn in absentee ballots for voters, opening the door to large-scale vote coercion and bribery.

>>> The son of former Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA) conspiring to cast votes for 100 people who weren’t even planning to vote on Election Day.

Now they’re trying to completely change the rules.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to completely flip our election systems upside down by moving to mail-in voting.

Let alone the fact that she and her Democrat cronies like Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are championing the so-called “For the People Act” (H.R.1).

This scheme would lower the voting age to 16 and allow political campaigns to be subsidized by taxpayer dollars!

The Democrats are going to continue to pull every trick out of the hat to ensure they get their way in November.

So will you please click here and take your November 2020 Election Security Survey and let us know what you think?

After you do so, please also consider making your most generous contribution to FreedomWorks today.

Your support will help us fund our Election Security plans, including:
  1. Drafting and lobbying for legislation requiring a government-issued photo ID to vote and require voter-verified paper ballots which would create a paper trail for election audits;

  2. Launching digital ads to ramp up pressure on Washington, D.C. politicians to STOP bad bills like the so-called “For the People Act” that would only further damage Americans’ confidence in our election systems.

  3. Rolling out our texting program in key districts so FreedomWorks can really turn up the pressure on Congress.
This November there is too much at stake to let Leftists get away with any funny games.

So after you finish taking your November 2020 Election Security Survey, please help me fund FreedomWorks Election Security plans this year.

I know these are uncertain times for everyone.

But I also know we can’t leave November up to chance. Not with this much at stake.

Even a gift of just $20.20 will go a long way to help us combat voter fraud this November.

Freedom Works

Adam Brandon

2020 November Election Security Survey

Do you think a "vote by mail" election system is prone to voter fraud?


Contributions to FreedomWorks, Inc. are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
111 K Street, NE Suite 600 Washington, DC 20002
