Forests are being cleared and replaced with cattle ranches and soya farms for animal feed. In the process, vast amounts of CO2 are released into the atmosphere, Indigenous Peoples are subjected to violence, and natural habitats are destroyed, which increases the risk of future pandemics by shaking viruses loose from their natural hosts. [1]
The rising demand for meat in the UK and around the world has created a destructive, greedy and bloated meat industry. And Tesco is supporting it by buying meat from companies owned by JBS - the biggest meat producer in the world - which has repeatedly been found guilty of driving deforestation in the Amazon. [2]
Tesco has the power to help break the destructive cycle of industrial meat production by refusing to stock products from companies owned by forest destroyers like JBS. But until they hear it from the public, Tesco will keep making the excuse that consumers don't want to see change.
That's why we're asking Tesco to drop Amazon forest destroyers from their supply chains. And to tackle the climate emergency, they also need to replace half their meat products with plant-based alternatives by 2025.
*If you ever shop at Tesco, don't forget to tick the box on the petition form - as a customer your voice is even more important to them.*