Wednesday, August 5th, 2020

The Voluntary End of America Due to a Coronavirus Hoax

Gary D. Barnett

The Canonization of John Lewis

Paul Gottfried

The Leftist Effort To Rewrite American History

Walter E. Williams

Seattle’s Bolshevik Revolution

Mike Whitney

Vaccines, Gates, Racism, Liberals, Logic

Jon Rappoport

From Lockdowns to ‘The Great Reset’

Antony P. Mueller

The Dirty Secrets of ‘Clean’ Electric Vehicles

Tilak Doshi

As the Filibuster Goes, So Goes the GOP

Patrick J. Buchanan

Hydroxychloroquine One More Time

Paul Craig Roberts

P Is for Predator State: the Building Blocks of Tyranny From A to Z

John W. Whitehead

Geography of the Ice Age – Fantastic video

Robert W. Felix

Gates Tries To Justify The Side Effects of a Fast-Tracked Vaccine

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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