For Immediate Release
Tuesday, August 4th, 2020 Contact: Jon
Cantalini [email protected]
Kim Wyman released the following statement about tonight’s Primary
Election results showing her holding more than 50% of the vote in a
four-candidate field.
“While there are still many ballots left to count, I am incredibly
humbled by the support and response from voters tonight. With our
state’s accessible and secure elections system, voters were able to
safely cast their votes while on the verge of shattering our 2016
turnout in the process. Washington’s elections lead the rest of the
country in accessibility and security and that is what I will be
celebrating tonight.”
These results come after months of Secretary Wyman’s leadership in
continuing Washington’s safe, secure, and accurate elections during
the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the assistance she has offered other
National media has recognized Secretary Wyman’s work. The
LA Times noted recently that “Wyman, known nationally as an expert
on mail voting, became a go-to resource for election officials
scrambling to adapt.”
“As the pandemic rages on and some in her party attack mail voting,
Wyman has become a vocal supporter of the system in interviews,
opinion pieces and as co-chair of the circle of advisors for the
National Vote at Home Institute.”