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Mass. has not laid out clear guidelines on what would trigger a reversal of the state's reopening
As concern mounts over the possibility of a new surge of COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts, Governor Charlie Baker on Tuesday warned that rising infections and troubling public health metrics could stall reopening efforts.
But as epidemiologists and doctors continued to sound alarms — some urging a return to more restrictive state guidelines on gatherings and businesses — Baker resisted laying out the state’s standards for reversing course on reopening.
The state plan released in May identifies six key indicators guiding reopening, but it does not describe what specific set of conditions would trigger a reversal.
Read the full story. ([link removed])
– Baker warns if coronavirus cases go in wrong direction, he could slow down reopening ([link removed])
– See the latest COVID-19 numbers from Massachusetts ([link removed])
– Here are the key metrics the state is monitoring for reopening ([link removed])
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