
We all have dreams. Last year you helped make my dream of serving Arlington come true. Now, I am working to help make the American Dream more real for more Arlingtonians.

This year--today--I am asking you to help make the dream of a Democratic majority in Richmond come true. I am asking you to join me in supporting Sheila Bynum-Coleman. 
Join me on Saturday, September 7th at 630 pm to Elect Sheila Bynum-Coleman to the Virginia House
Why 9 days? 9 days until our September 7th event for Sheila here in Arlington. 9 days to find out if we can hit my/our commitment to raise Sheila $10K to make sure she has the resources to win. 9 days to see what we can do together. 
See Sheila Describe how Her Daughter was Impacted by Gun Violence and What is at stake in this Election
9 days for common sense gun safety. 9 days for a red flag law that could help keep guns out of the hands of those in need. 9 days for Background checks. 9 days for the minimum wage. 9 days for a Richmond that reflects Arlington values. 
Learn more about Sheila from her website, click on this Button
I met Sheila's Deputy Campaign Manager last night; he told me Sheila can win this district if they have the funds and turn out the vote. So, we must do this. We must work the next 9 days to get from the $2,600 we have raised so far to $10K. Because of what we did together last year, I know we can reach do this. 
Join me on September 7th or Contribute to Sheila to Make History
Why do we need to help today? Emily's list is 100% right: early money is like yeast--it makes the dough rise. We need to build the amount in the door so I can focus on asking those not yet in, to join us over the next 9 days.
But how Does Matt know we can win? (See below)
Senator Kaine, Hillary Clinton and every other Democrat over the last two decades who has been before the voters in this district, has won. Speaker Cox only occupies this district because it has been gerrymandered. The courts have let this new, fairer district stand. If we turn out these voters, Sheila's team, those I have spoken with, and I, all believe we will win. 

So let's step up to at this historic moment in our country's history, and act for the ideals we share: common sense gun safety, a fair minimum wage, climate legislation, Virginia, and the country we are working to rebuild.  


Matt for Arlington
Matt for County Board
Authorized by Matt for Arlington

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