News from Representative Allred

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August 4, 2020

Dear John,

As North Texas continues to battle the coronavirus, I am fighting to protect our health care. At the height of a pandemic, the Trump Administration is pursuing a lawsuit that would gut the Affordable Care Act and strip protections for folks with pre-existing health conditions like diabetes, cancer, or even COVID-19. As your Representative, I want to know how you feel.

Is access to quality, affordable health care important to you?

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Since my first day in Congress, I have fought to stop the reckless lawsuit by this Administration which would repeal the Affordable Care Act in its entirety. We need more access to health care, not less. I’ve repeatedly called on my colleagues and the Administration to end these attacks. Earlier this summer, I helped to pass The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act, a bill that would lower costs, further secure protections for people with pre-existing conditions, negotiate lower drug prices and expand coverage.

I have also repeatedly called on state leaders to expand Medicaid, which would help more than 1 million Texans gain access to health insurance.  

Throughout the pandemic, I’ve been fighting to ensure our community has the testing resources we need. Testing remains one of the most important tools to combat and contain the spread of COVID-19. When the Administration threatened to withdraw federal support for our Dallas-based testing sites, I successfully fought to extend federal support and get the necessary testing supplies for our community -- and this remains a top priority.

Earlier this year, I helped to secure the Garland VA Medical Center, which is now open and providing medical care for veterans, including those sick with COVID-19. Over time, the facility will grow to serve over 184,000 North Texas veterans and will create about 5,000 jobs for our region. This is a big win for our region and our veterans. I will always work to ensure our veterans get the care they are owed.

This pandemic has highlighted the importance of quality, affordable health care and emphasized our appreciation for our health care workers. We can show thanks to front line workers by following their advice: wear a mask in public, wash your hands, and practice social distancing as much as possible. We have a long road ahead, but we are in this together. I will continue to fight to protect health care and expand access for North Texas families. 

Please see my website for a list of helpful resources or call my office for assistance.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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