Thanks for your support!

Each donation grows the CPUSA and movement!

Dear John,

Thank you for taking part in our recent three-day phonathon and fund drive. Whether you volunteered to make fundraising calls and check-in with members during the pandemic or donated, you helped our Party grow. You make it possible to reach the increasing numbers of people looking for answers to the critical challenges facing humanity. And the rising numbers fighting the openly white supremacist, misogynist, and fascist-like Trump administration and its sycophant.

As someone who made calls or donated your hard-earned money during this economic crisis, you know how important the Communist Party USA is to the struggles confronting us. And you understand the dangers posed by the xenophobic and anti-democratic actions of the corrupt Trump administration. We very much appreciate all your efforts.


For those we couldn’t reach during the phonathon, you can still donate or pay your dues if you haven’t already. Every penny enhances the CPUSA’s role in the most consequential struggle of our lifetimes.

Noting the great promise and danger of the moment, CPUSA National Co-Chair Joe Sims wrote, “The mass democratic uprising for justice is calling into question this country’s very foundations. People are asking, why is this happening over and over? New majorities are realizing the answer. The nation is waking up to the fact that it’s not a few bad apples but the whole barrel that’s rotten. And it’s not just the police: it’s the courts, the laws, the people who wrote them, and the system that underlies it all."

As I write, Trump and the GOP controlled Senate refuse to extend emergency aid to cities and states and enhanced unemployment benefits to millions of jobless.  The Postmaster General, a corrupt Trump donor, issued guidelines certain to cause delays in early voting and vote by mail. And Trump floated the idea of “postponing” the election.  The struggle continues – that's more than a phrase. It's a reality.

Nothing is more critical than ousting Trump and the GOP in November. As CPUSA National Co-Chair Rossana Cambron says, “This moment calls for everyone to do something, don’t be silent. The moment calls upon us to look beyond ourselves and do what’s best for all of us. This is why we need a massive voter turnout in November, a victory margin so undeniable it cannot be contested.”

If you are a Party member, please remember to pay your dues if you haven’t.  And if you’re not a member, what are you waiting for?  Now is the day, now is the moment, to join the ranks of thousands of people joining the Communist Party in this final, few months of our Centennial. You can join or pay dues and donate at

Thanks again for all you do.


In solidarity,

John Bachtell

For the Fundraising Collective

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email :
[email protected]

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