Dear Partners, 

As a follow-up from our recent report estimating historic coverage losses resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, we wanted to share the following resources that Families USA released this week:
  • A report estimating how health coverage losses threaten health care jobs, hindering economic recovery. Forecasted losses in comprehensive health insurance could eliminate as many as 4.7 million jobs in American health care and related industries, which currently employ about 1 in 7 workers.
  • An analysis looking at recent weekly data from a new Census Bureau survey that provides confirmation of estimates from Families USA and others that families are experiencing major health insurance losses in the midst of the pandemic. This data reveals that from mid-June to mid-July, among families losing earnings since mid-March, the number of uninsured adults rose by 2 million, or 12%. The data also shows that while the number of uninsured rose overall, clear disparities emerged by race and ethnicity.
These new reports were also included in recent reports from The New York Times and Marketplace

We hope that you will join us in spreading the word about these important findings. It’s critical that Congress acts now to protect families’ health and economic security by prioritizing comprehensive health insurance coverage in COVID-19 response.
Take Action Here
To your health, 

Raven Gomez
Copyright © 2019 Families USA, All rights reserved.
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