Dear John,
Our electoral process is too often corrupted by outside influences and characters who intend to undermine the American people by constantly smearing and degrading our leaders. Even Hollywood actors and TV personalities have become involved.

Such was the case when Sacha Baron Cohen, CBS, and Showtime tried to embarrass and humiliate me in a fake scheme on worldwide outlets with his show, "Who Is America?" 

Using the term "parody" they have successfully fooled the courts for many years to slander and destroy conservatives from speaking the truth.

It's about time someone sends these Hollywood elites the message that even they are not above the law.

That's exactly what U.S. District Court Judge Hon. Andrew Carter did on Saturday, August 1st. Judge Carter issued an order which will allow for my defense team to conduct a full discovery on Sacha Baron Cohen, Showtime, and CBS.
This comes after a U.S. District Court, Judge Andrew Carter, denied Cohen and the other defendants' motion to dismiss our suit in its entirety last month.

Cohen, Showtime, and CBS lawyers have vigorously opposed a full discovery in an attempt to keep their clients from testifying under oath for their involvement in falsely smearing and defaming me on National television.

In his denial of this attempt to keep Cohen and other defendants from orally testifying under oath, Judge  Carter gave the parties latitude to decide how and in what format their discovery would proceed under the rules of Federal Civil Procedure.

This order is a major blow to the liberal agenda that constantly uses the media for their scandalous purposes.

Your contribution to my Defense Fund, formed to restore my character and reputation after the 2017 Senate election, has made a difference!

My Defense Fund is leading the fight against the Left's mendacious attempts to undermine the people, but we need help from every conservative we can muster to do this!

Patriot, we need your help because we are being vigorously opposed by massive law firms  out of New York, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C. that are well funded by billionaire special interests.

Even a small donation will go a long way in helping restore integrity to the electoral process and see justice served!

Will you continue to support us with a donation of $5, $25, $50, or $100 to my Legal Defense Fund?

Now my attorneys will get the chance to ask Cohen and the other defendants tough questions about their involvement in the defamation of my name and reputation.

We hope that our lawsuit against these individuals will urge these types of celebrities to reconsider their defamatory tactics and attacks on conservatives ahead of the November election.

Thank you for continuing to take a stand with me!

May God bless you,
P.S. We are so grateful for those who have stood with us during this ordeal! Our efforts will set a new precedent for defaming conservatives with false and malicious intent.
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