In June, AU launched our first-ever Summer Speaker Series, in which church-state separation experts and exciting special guests discussed various religious freedom issues online, via Zoom and Facebook Live.
I’m emailing you today to ask for your feedback!
Whether you attended every course in the Summer Series, or none at all, we want to hear your thoughts – including what types of virtual courses you’d like to see in the future.
If you have a couple of minutes, please click here to get started on this short survey now.
Our team will be using the information gathered from this survey to plan for the future, so every voice we can hear from will make a difference.
Thanks for taking the time. I look forward to hearing from you!
Forward Together,
Sarah Gillooly
VP of State Outreach and Engagement
P.S. If you want to watch any of the Summer Speaker Series courses online, just visit – they’re all available now.