Dear John,

I’m excited to offer you some news about what Advocates for Self-Government has been up to recently.

We've just launched our new website.

"Our website is fully redesigned with political character types and new user experiences to advance our mission." - Mike Sertic, President

We built an imaginative website experience with the goal of inspiring new users to learn about self-government in a fun and shareable way.

We collaborated with an illustrator to create comic book-style character archetypes that represent the five political types. After taking the quiz, users will receive their unique political character illustration to make them more inclined to share their results on social media, while modernizing the way we advance our Mission for the younger generation.

We're inviting you to take the quiz and explore this new user experience.

Take Quiz
Human Respect Test

We've developed a program to introduce self-government that goes beyond political identity and personalizes an experience that helps people see the respectful vs. coercive nature of their beliefs. 

The Human Respect Test has been created for all 5 political types to ensure we're speaking in the "moral language" of each user.  This program will allow us to identify those who have consistent principles and are sympathetic to the values of self-government. The Socratic Q&A style will gently help users face the potential contradictions of their beliefs.

New Test

"We're now able to measure the impact of our programs. We can quantify how users are receiving the Philosophy of Human Respect and Principles of Liberty." 

We designed a sophisticated system that measures the effectiveness of our social mission by reporting on how these new website experiences are influencing the beliefs of the user over time. The saying goes that you can't improve what you can't measure, and we're always striving to become better Advocates.

Human Respect Test

Even if you've already taken the World’s Smallest Political Quiz and know your political views, we strongly encourage you to take the Quiz again right now! Share your results, sign up for free, and then take the Human Respect Test.

Best Regards,

Mike Sertic
Advocates for Self-Government
[email protected]

p.s. Let us know what you think.


To equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the values of self-government.

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