Dear John,
A quick email to say thank you! And to share some promising updates.
Thank you for taking our e-action to ask Government party leaders to turn their promise on fracked gas into policy. Your action has helped put the Government under real pressure to publish a policy to stop fracked gas entering Ireland via LNG terminals. Friday’s judgement by the Supreme Court on Climate Case Ireland has increased this pressure even further - the era of unfulfilled promises on climate must now end! A huge congratulations to Stop Climate Chaos member organisation - Friends of the Irish Environment - who took the Government to court to demand more climate action - and won! Their legal victory means that the Government must now create a new, more ambitious National Mitigation Plan that complies with Ireland’s national and international climate obligations. Want to share the good news? How about retweeting this reaction from Climate Case Ireland?
Retweet Climate Case Ireland's news
Last Wednesday, another Stop Climate Chaos member organisation, Friends of the Earth, along with several grassroots groups, published a
briefing document, outlining the steps that the Government must take to honour its Programme for Government promises on fracked gas and LNG. They issued a
press release to go with it - dubbing the Government’s action on fracked gas as a key “litmus test” of its commitment to climate action. The story was covered by the Irish Times - you might like to
read the article here. The briefing was also presented to the Minister for Climate Action. Anti-gas groups also tweeted the party leaders to share their press release and briefing. You might like to
retweet one of these tweets - or write your own!
Tweet the LNG briefing to party leaders
Every action, no matter how big or small, is important in the struggle against fossil gas. And there is no doubt about - our collective action is taking us ever closer towards a fossil free world.
With deep thanks for all that you do.
Activism Support Coordinator