Dear John,
I know from personal experience: the uncertainty of not knowing where your next meal will come from is a scary thing, and it consumes your every waking moment. I still remember the hunger and the shame.
As a national spokesperson for No Kid Hungry, I’m committed to making sure no child in America has to experience hunger like I did.
But due to the coronavirus crisis, more children are facing hunger in America than at any point in the last ten years. And they need our help.
In a normal year, when school lets out for the summer, kids at risk of hunger face special challenges finding food to replace the school meals on which they depend. And this year has been so much worse.
A father recently told No Kid Hungry, “I’m trying to decide what bills to pay first and what medications I should get. Since school has been closed, my kids don’t eat every day.”
These are the kinds of heartbreaking choices so many families are making every day.
A No Kid Hungry report reveals just how desperate things are right now: half of working parents say they have lost jobs or had their work hours reduced since the pandemic began. That number is staggering, but not nearly as staggering the effect on so many families. One mother laid off due to the crisis said, “I feel like the uncertainty of everything is just really getting to me... where the money is going to come from. Where the food is going to come from. Just talking about it is making my chest hurt.”
As this crisis stretches on, we need to come together to help kids get the food they need and deserve. The end is not yet in sight. If you can, please help keep up the effort on behalf of the millions of kids who still need us.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you in advance for your generosity.

Viola Davis National Spokesperson No Kid Hungry