Web Version:
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This July issue of the library newsletter includes Irish publications and international evidence
resources related to drugs, alcohol and tobacco. You can also continue to browse our online Covid-19
collection [
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To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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] [
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] Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research library. Follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary [
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National Drug Treatment Reporting System 2013 – 2019 drug data.
O'Neill, Derek and Carew, Anne Marie and Lyons, Suzi (2020) National Drug Treatment Reporting System
2013 – 2019 drug data. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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National Drug Treatment Reporting System 2013 – 2019 alcohol data.
Condron, Ita and Carew, Anne Marie and Lyons, Suzi (2020) National Drug Treatment Reporting System
2013 – 2019 alcohol data. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Drinking in denial: a cross-sectional analysis of national survey data in Ireland to measure
drinkers’ awareness of their alcohol use.
Mongan, Deirdre and Millar, Sean and O'Dwyer, Claire and Long, Jean and Galvin, Brian (2020)
Drinking in denial: a cross-sectional analysis of national survey data in Ireland to measure
drinkers’ awareness of their alcohol use. BMJ Open , 10 , (e034520) .
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Saving lives in the time of COVID-19. Case study of harm reduction, homelessness and drug use in
Dublin, Ireland.
O'Carroll, Austin and Duffin, Tony and Collins, John (2020) Saving lives in the time of COVID-19.
Case study of harm reduction, homelessness and drug use in Dublin, Ireland. London: London School of
Economics and Political Science.
read more >
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A national model of remote care for assessing and providing opioid agonist treatment during the
COVID-19 pandemic: a report.
Crowley, Des and Delargy, Ide (2020) A national model of remote care for assessing and providing
opioid agonist treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic: a report. Harm Reduction Journal , 17 , (49)
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Knowledge questionnaire on viral hepatitis for drug service staff.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2020) Knowledge questionnaire on viral
hepatitis for drug service staff. Lisbon: EMCDDA.
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Activities of Irish psychiatric units and hospitals 2019.
Daly, Antoinette and Craig, Sarah (2020) Activities of Irish psychiatric units and hospitals 2019.
Dublin: Health Research Board.
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The complexities of monitoring and responding to illegal GHB use and overdose - are we sufficiently
Crowley, Des and Van Hout, Marie Claire (2020) The complexities of monitoring and responding to
illegal GHB use and overdose - are we sufficiently equipped? Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical
Problems , Early online .
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Growing up in Ireland: the Lives of 17/18-year-olds.
McNamara, Eoin and Murphy, Daraine and Murray, Aisling and Smyth, Emer and Watson, Dorothy (2020)
Growing up in Ireland: the Lives of 17/18-year-olds. Dublin: ESRI; Trinity College Dublin;
Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
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Integrating primary and secondary care to optimize hepatitis C treatment: development and evaluation
of a multidisciplinary educational Masterclass series.
McCombe, Geoff et al. (2019) Integrating primary and secondary care to optimize hepatitis C
treatment: development and evaluation of a multidisciplinary educational Masterclass series. The
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 74, (Suppl 5), v24-v30.
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Towards eradicating HCV.
McCormick, Aiden (2020) Towards eradicating HCV. The Medical Independent .
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Values in action newsletter.
HSE National Drug Treatment Centre. (2020) Values in action newsletter. 1 , (1) . Dublin: HSE
National Drug Treatment Centre.
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Sláinte agus Tiomáint. Medical fitness to drive guidelines (Group 1 and Group 2 Drivers).
National Office for Traffic Medicine. (2020) Sláinte agus Tiomáint. Medical fitness to drive
guidelines (Group 1 and Group 2 Drivers). Dublin: Road Safety Authority.
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Addressing health and wellbeing challenges for homeless children and families living in temporary
and emergency accommodation. Policy brief.
Frazer, Kate and Paul, Gillian and Alterman, Xuefang and Kroll, Thilo (2020) Addressing health and
wellbeing challenges for homeless children and families living in temporary and emergency
accommodation. Policy brief. Dublin: UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems.
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Accessing help for self-harm and suicidal behaviour in the emergency department: the experiences of
service users.
Doyle, Louise and Keogh, Brian and Morris, Noreen and Higgins, Agnes and Downes, Carmel (2020)
Accessing help for self-harm and suicidal behaviour in the emergency department: the experiences of
service users. Dublin: School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin.
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Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for policy in relation to children and young people.
Darmody, Merike and Smyth, Emer and Russell, Helen (2020) Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for
policy in relation to children and young people. Dublin: ESRI.
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The mental and physical health profile of people who died by suicide: findings from the Suicide
Support and Information System.
Leahy, Daniel et al. (2020) The mental and physical health profile of people who died by suicide:
findings from the Suicide Support and Information System. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric
Epidemiology , Early online .
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Understanding innovation in homeless service provision: a study of frontline providers'
values-readiness for change.
Manning, Rachel M and Greenwood, Ronni Michelle (2019) Understanding innovation in homeless service
provision: a study of frontline providers' values-readiness for change. Administration and Policy in
Mental Health , 46 , (5) , pp. 649-659.
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Mobile health technology interventions for suicide prevention: systematic review.
Melia, Ruthet al. (2020) Mobile health technology interventions for suicide prevention: systematic
review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8, (1), e12516.
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Evaluating the national multisite implementation of dialectical behaviour therapy in a community
setting: a mixed methods approach.
Flynn, Daniel et al (2020) Evaluating the national multisite implementation of dialectical behaviour
therapy in a community setting: a mixed methods approach. BMC Psychiatry, 20, (1), p. 235.
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Adolescent suicide ideation, depression and self-esteem: relationships to a new measure of gender
role conflict.
O'Beaglaoich, Cormac and McCutcheon, Jessica and Conway, Paul F and Hanafin, Joan and Morrison, Todd
G (2020) Adolescent suicide ideation, depression and self-esteem: relationships to a new measure of
gender role conflict. Frontiers in Psychology , 11 , (111) .
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Supporting families affected by substance misuse: quality standards and group guidelines.
National Family Support Network. (2020) Supporting families affected by substance misuse: quality
standards and group guidelines. Dublin: National Family Support Network.
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IPS family information booklet.
Irish Prison Service. (2020) IPS family information booklet. Longford: Irish Prison Service.
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Understanding (intentional/unintentional) binge drinking at home.
Drinkaware. (2020) Understanding (intentional/unintentional) binge drinking at home. Dublin:
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Sport Ireland anti-doping review 2019.
Sport Ireland. (2020) Sport Ireland anti-doping review 2019. Dublin: Sport Ireland.
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Criminal Assets Bureau strategic plan 2020 –2023.
Criminal Assets Bureau. (2020) Criminal Assets Bureau strategic plan 2020 –2023. Dublin: Criminal
Assets Bureau.
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Health inequalities annual report 2020.
Carson, Philip and Blakley, Hannah and Dunbar, Stewart and Laverty, Caolan (2020) Health
inequalities annual report 2020. Belfast: Department of Health.
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Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland 39th annual report 2019.
Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland. (2020) Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland 39th
annual report 2019. Dublin: Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland.
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Oberstown children detention campus annual report 2019.
Oberstown Children Detention Campus. (2020) Oberstown children detention campus annual report 2019.
Dublin: Oberstown Children Detention Campus.
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Courts service annual report 2019.
Ireland. Courts Service. (2020) Courts service annual report 2019. Dublin: Courts Service.
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Mental Health Reform annual report 2019.
Mental Health Reform. (2020) Mental Health Reform annual report 2019. Dublin: Mental Health Reform.
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Delivering specialist mental health services 2019.
HSE Mental Health Division. (2020) Delivering specialist mental health services 2019. Dublin: HSE.
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Crime and victimisation 2019.
Central Statistics Office. (2020) Crime and victimisation 2019. Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual report 2019.
Eogan, Maeve (2020) National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) annual report 2019. Dublin:
National Sexual Assault Treatment Unit.
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Gambling advertising during live televised male sporting events in Ireland: a descriptive study.
Columb, David et al. (2020) Gambling advertising during live televised male sporting events in
Ireland: a descriptive study. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online .
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Tobacco and alcohol content in soap operas broadcast on UK television: a content analysis and
population exposure.
Barker, Alexander B and Britton, John and Thomson, Emily and Murray, Rachael L (2020) Tobacco and
alcohol content in soap operas broadcast on UK television: a content analysis and population
exposure. Journal of Public Health , Early online .
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Smoking prevalence tracker 2019 Infographic.
Health Service Executive. (2020) Smoking prevalence tracker 2019 Infographic. Dublin: Health Service
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Prenatal tobacco exposure and psychiatric outcomes in adolescence: is the effect mediated through
birth weight?
Brannigan, Ross and Healy, Colm and Cannon, Mary and Leacy, Finbarr P and Clarke, Mary C (2020)
Prenatal tobacco exposure and psychiatric outcomes in adolescence: is the effect mediated through
birth weight? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica , Early online .
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Efficacy of gaseous ozone in smoking and non-smoking gingivitis patients.
Talmaç, Ahmet Cemil and Çalişir, Metin (2020) Efficacy of gaseous ozone in smoking and non-smoking
gingivitis patients. Irish Journal of Medical Science , Early online .
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Why do people call crisis helplines? Identifying taxonomies of presenting reasons and discovering
associations between these reasons.
Turkington, Robin et al (2020) Why do people call crisis helplines? Identifying taxonomies of
presenting reasons and discovering associations between these reasons. Health Informatics Journal,
p. 1460458220913429.
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Economic and epidemiological impact of youth suicide in countries with the highest human development
Doran, Christopher M and Kinchin, Irina (2020) Economic and epidemiological impact of youth suicide
in countries with the highest human development index. PLoS ONE , 15 , (5) , e0232940.
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Can we expect an increased suicide rate due to Covid-19?
Devitt, Patrick (2020) Can we expect an increased suicide rate due to Covid-19? Irish Journal of
Psychological Medicine , (1-5) .
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Evidence Resources
EU agenda and action plan on drugs 2021-2025.
European Commission. (2020) EU agenda and action plan on drugs 2021-2025. Brussels: European
Commission. 17 p.
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Effects of messaging on public support for drug consumption rooms in scotland, UK.
Sumnall, H R and Atkinson, A M and Trayner, K M A and Gage, S H and McAuley, A . (2020) Effects of
messaging on public support for drug consumption rooms in scotland, UK. The International Journal of
Drug Policy, 83
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Injecting equipment provision in Scotland 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20.
Public Health Scotland. (2020) Injecting equipment provision in Scotland 2017/18, 2018/19 and
2019/20. Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland. 30 p.
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Increasing trends in self-reported use of nitrous oxide among WA EDRS samples.
Grigg, Jodie and Lenton, Simon R [NDARC] . (2020) Increasing trends in self-reported use of nitrous
oxide among WA EDRS samples. Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre. 12 p.
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Hepatitis C - annual epidemiological report for 2018.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. [ECDC] (2020) Hepatitis C - annual
epidemiological report for 2018. Stockholm: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
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Clinical question: For individuals with opiate use disorders, what are the effects of dihydrocodeine
for detoxification?
Ciapponi, Agustín [The Cochrane Library] . (2020) Clinical question: For individuals with opiate use
disorders, what are the effects of dihydrocodeine for detoxification? Cochrane Clinical Answers DOI:
[link removed]
Clinical question: What are the effects of a therapeutic community for drug‐using offenders with
co‐occurring mental health problems?
Burch, Jane and Magalhães, Pedro V [The Cochrane Library] . (2020) Clinical question: What are the
effects of a therapeutic community for drug‐using offenders with co‐occurring mental health
problems? Cochrane Clinical Answers DOI: 10.1002/cca.3072
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Clinical question: For female offenders, how does increased intensity of discharge planning plus
community‐based case management impact drug and alcohol use after release?
Ciapponi, Agustín [The Cochrane Library] . (2020) Clinical question: For female offenders, how does
increased intensity of discharge planning plus community‐based case management impact drug and
alcohol use after release? Cochrane Clinical Answers DOI: 10.1002/cca.2955
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Clinical question: Does RCT evidence indicate that manualized Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or other
12‐step programs offer benefit over alternative interventions for people with alcohol use disorder?
Ciapponi, Agustín [The Cochrane Library] . (2020) Clinical question: Does RCT evidence indicate that
manualized Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or other 12‐step programs offer benefit over alternative
interventions for people with alcohol use disorder? Cochrane Clinical Answers DOI: 10.1002/cca.2976
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Clinical question: Can psychosocial interventions, given alone or added to treatment as usual,
improve outcomes for people who misuse psychostimulants?
Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan [The Cochrane Library] . (2019) Clinical question: Can psychosocial
interventions, given alone or added to treatment as usual, improve outcomes for people who misuse
psychostimulants? Cochrane Clinical Answers DOI: 10.1002/cca.2598
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Words matter! Language statement & reference guide.
Madden, Annie and Henderson, Charles [INPUD] . (2020) Words matter! Language statement & reference
guide. London: INPUD Secretariat. 7 p.
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Person-centred care. Co-production hub.
Social Care Institute for Excellence. (2020) Person-centred care. Co-production hub. London: Social
Care Institute for Excellence.
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COVID-19 guide for drug and alcohol residential rehab and detox services.
Social Care Institute for Excellence. (2020) COVID-19 guide for drug and alcohol residential rehab
and detox services. London: Social Care Institute for Excellence.
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Coronavirus: preventing harm and human rights violations in criminal justice systems. Briefing note.
Penal Reform International. (2020) Coronavirus: preventing harm and human rights violations in
criminal justice systems. Briefing note. London: Penal Reform International. 37 p.
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Cannabidiol primer for healthcare professionals.
Cather, Jennifer Clay and Cather, J Christian . (2020) Cannabidiol primer for healthcare
professionals. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent), 33 (3) 376-379. doi: 10.1080/08998280.2020.1775437
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Treatment of stimulant use disorder: a systematic review of reviews.
Ronsley, Claire et al. (2020) Treatment of stimulant use disorder: a systematic review of reviews.
PloS one, 15 (6) e02348
read more >
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Delivering opportunistic behavior change interventions: a systematic review of systematic reviews.
Keyworth, Chris et al. (2020) Delivering opportunistic behavior change interventions: a systematic
review of systematic reviews. Prevention Science, 21 (3) 319–331.
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Pharmacological treatment of methamphetamine/amphetamine dependence: a systematic review.
Siefried, Krista J et al. (2020) Pharmacological treatment of methamphetamine/amphetamine
dependence: a systematic review. CNS Drugs, 34 (4) 337-65. doi: 10.1007/s40263-020-00711-x
read more >
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Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission.
Livingston, Gill et al. (2020) Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the
Lancet Commission. The Lancet Commission 34 p.
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Effects on alcohol consumption of announcing and implementing revised UK low-risk drinking
guidelines: findings from an interrupted time series analysis.
Holmes, John et al. (2020) Effects on alcohol consumption of announcing and implementing revised UK
low-risk drinking guidelines: findings from an interrupted time series analysis. Journal of
Epidemiology and Community Health doi: 10.1136/jech-2020-213820
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Alcohol marketing in the WHO European Region: update report on the evidence and recommended policy
WHO Regional Office for Europe. (2020) Alcohol marketing in the WHO European Region: update report
on the evidence and recommended policy actions. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe. 28 p.
read more >
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Ageing and alcohol: drinking typologies among older adults.
Roche, Ann M et al. (2020) Ageing and alcohol: drinking typologies among older adults. Journal of
Aging and Health, 25 (898264320936953) doi: 10.1177/0898264320936953.
read more >
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Peer pressure and alcohol consumption in adults living in the UK: a systematic qualitative review.
Morris, Hannah et al. (2020) Peer pressure and alcohol consumption in adults living in the UK: a
systematic qualitative review. BMC Public Health, 20 (1)
read more >
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Behavioural cue reactivity to alcohol-related and non-alcohol-related stimuli among individuals with
alcohol use disorder: an fMRI study with a visual task.
Fukushima, Shou et al. (2020) Behavioural cue reactivity to alcohol-related and non-alcohol-related
stimuli among individuals with alcohol use disorder: an fMRI study with a visual task. PLoS ONE, 15
(7) e0229187. [link removed]
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Are population trends in high-risk alcohol consumption in smokers associated with trends in quit
attempts and quit success? A time-series analysis.
Beard, Emma and Brown, Jamie and West, Robert and Michie, Susan . (2020) Are population trends in
high-risk alcohol consumption in smokers associated with trends in quit attempts and quit success? A
time-series analysis. BMJ Open, 10 (e034262) doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034262
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Advice for heavy drinkers who are thinking about cutting back or stopping drinking alcohol.
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (2020) Advice for heavy drinkers who are thinking about
cutting back or stopping drinking alcohol. Edinburgh: SHAAP. 8 p.
read more >
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The role of culture in effective intervention design, implementation, and research: its universal
Manson, Spero M . (2020) The role of culture in effective intervention design, implementation, and
research: its universal importance. Prevention Science, 21 (Suppl 1) 93-97.
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Feasibility of school-based identification of children and adolescents experiencing, or at-risk of
developing, mental health difficulties: a systematic review.
Soneson, Emma et al. (2020) Feasibility of school-based identification of children and adolescents
experiencing, or at-risk of developing, mental health difficulties: a systematic review. Prevention
Science, 21 (5) 581–603. [link removed]-
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Using motivational interviewing to improve parenting skills and prevent problem behavior during the
transition to kindergarten.
Stormshak, Elizabeth A et al. (2020) Using motivational interviewing to improve parenting skills and
prevent problem behavior during the transition to kindergarten. Prevention Science
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The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime's efforts to strengthen a culture of prevention in low-
and middle-income countries.
Heikkilä, Hanna and Maalouf, Wadih and Campello, Giovanna . (2020) The United Nations Office on
Drugs and Crime's efforts to strengthen a culture of prevention in low- and middle-income countries.
Prevention Science [link removed]
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Canadian substance use costs and harms (2015-2017).
Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms Scientific Working Group. (2020) Canadian substance use costs
and harms (2015-2017). Ottawa, Ont.: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction. 66 p.
read more >
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Associations of despair with suicidality and substance misuse among young adults.
Copeland, William E et al. (2020) Associations of despair with suicidality and substance misuse
among young adults. JAMA Network Open, 3 (6) e208627. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.8627
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Identifying alcohol problems among suicide attempters visiting the emergency department.
Lee, Jinhee et al. (2019) Identifying alcohol problems among suicide attempters visiting the
emergency department. BMC Psychiatry, 19 (1) 350. doi: 10.1186/s12888-019-2347-5.
read more >
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Suicide among people treated for drug use disorders: a Danish national record-linkage study.
Hesse, Morten et al. (2020) Suicide among people treated for drug use disorders: a Danish national
record-linkage study. BMC Public Health, 20 (1) DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-8261-4
read more >
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One-year mortality of patients after emergency department treatment for nonfatal opioid overdose.
Weiner, Scott G and Baker, Olesya and Bernson, Dana and Schuur, Jeremiah D. (2020) One-year
mortality of patients after emergency department treatment for nonfatal opioid overdose.. Annals of
Emergency Medicine, 75 (1) 13-17. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2019.04.020
read more >
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How mental health care should change as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moreno, Carmen et al. (2020) How mental health care should change as a consequence of the COVID-19
pandemic. The Lancet. Psychiatry, 16 doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30307-2
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World social report 2020: inequality in a rapidly changing world.
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2020) World social report 2020: inequality
in a rapidly changing world. New York: United Nations. 216 p.
read more >
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Taking back what’s ours!
Drugreporter, INPUD. (2020) Taking back what’s ours! The Rights Reporter Foundation.
read more >
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Interventions to prevent illicit and nonmedical drug use in children, adolescents, and young adults:
updated evidence report and systematic review for the US Preventive Services Task Force.
O'Connor, Elizabeth et al. (2020) Interventions to prevent illicit and nonmedical drug use in
children, adolescents, and young adults: updated evidence report and systematic review for the US
Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA, 323 (20) 2067. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.1432
read more >
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The International Collaboration on ADHD and Substance Abuse (ICASA): mission, results, and future
Van de Glind, Geurt et al. (2020) The International Collaboration on ADHD and Substance Abuse
(ICASA): mission, results, and future activities. European Addiction Research doi: 10.1159/000508870
read more >
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Gambling harm as a global public health concern: a mixed method investigation of trends in Wales.
John, Bev et al. (2020) Gambling harm as a global public health concern: a mixed method
investigation of trends in Wales. Frontiers in Public Health, 8 320.
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Call for better State approach to dementia as study shows alcohol among risk factors.
[Irish Times] O'Sullivan, Kevin (31 Jul 2020)
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Joint statement from Minister Donnelly, Minister Feighan and Minister O’Brien on homelessness.
[Department of Health] (30 Jul 2020)
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Almost one-third of 17/18-year-olds ‘risky drinkers’, study finds.
[Irish Times] Power, Jack (30 Jul 2020)
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Provisional Revenue receipts demonstrate the durability of the Irish alcohol market despite COVID-19
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (30 Jul 2020)
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17% Increase in ‘Driving Under Influence’ specimens analysed in first Six Months of 2020.
[Road Safety Authority] (30 Jul 2020)
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Progress on the introduction of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Northern Ireland.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (29 Jul 2020)
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HRB reports continued demand for alcohol treatment.
[Health Research Board] (28 Jul 2020)
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Alcohol abuse still on rise in Ireland – along with cannabis and cocaine.
[Irish Times] McGarry, Patsy (28 Jul 2020)
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Rise in number of people seeking treatment for serious alcohol abuse.
[RTE News] Kilraine, John (28 Jul 2020)
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Alcohol abusers drink week's allowance in one day.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (28 Jul 2020)
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One in five in critical care in Dublin’s Beaumont Hospital during lockdown were there due to
[Irish Mirror] Jordan, Ailbhe (28 Jul 2020)
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Minister Feighan welcomes publication of National Treatment Data for problem alcohol use.
[Department of Health] (28 Jul 2020)
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World Hepatitis Day 2020 - Ireland on track to eradicate hepatitis C by 2030.
[Health Service Executive] (28 Jul 2020)
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World Hepatitis Day: EMCDDA showcases hepatitis questionnaire for drug service staff to refresh
knowledge and identify training needs.
[EMCDDA] (28 Jul 2020)
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New HRB study reveals that many people in Ireland underestimate how much they drink.
[Health Research Board] (23 Jul 2020)
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Working at home – wellbeing survey.
[Mental Health First Aid Ireland] (23 Jul 2020)
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Eleven New Psychoactive Substances to be considered for international control by 43rd ECDD.
[WHO] (21 Jul 2020)
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Drink and drug-driving arrests surge in Dublin during Covid-19 pandemic.
[Irish Times] Lally, Conor (20 Jul 2020)
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Teens 'are using social media to order alcohol' as girl (13) falls ill after drinking party in park.
[Independent.ie] Feehan, Conor (20 Jul 2020)
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Special report: Recovering crack addicts tell of drug's horrors.
[Irish Examiner] Dunphy, Liz (20 Jul 2020)
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Families urged not to smuggle drugs into prison as visits resume.
[Irish Times] Gallagher, Conor (20 Jul 2020)
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Drug rape leaves a haze of self-doubt that needs to be cleared up.
[Irish Times] Sweeney, Tanya (18 Jul 2020)
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‘Drug craze’: use of laughing gas by under-18s should be banned – FG TD.
[Irish Times] O'Halloran, Marie (17 Jul 2020)
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Fine Gael TD ‘got in trouble’ with Ceann Comhairle for bringing nitrous oxide canisters into the
[Independent.ie] Gataveckaite, Gabija (17 Jul 2020)
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Mandatory pregnancy warning labels for alcoholic beverages.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (17 Jul 2020)
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HRB reports increase in psychiatric in-patient admissions under 18 years old.
[Health Research Board] (16 Jul 2020)
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Time to talk about ‘silver bullet’ drug use.
[An Phoblacht] Doolan, Daithi (14 Jul 2020)
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Open letter to an Taoiseach & Tánaiste calling for no VAT reduction on alcohol products.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (13 Jul 2020)
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Expert group meeting on dangerous substance trafficking through social media and other
internet-related services.
[INCB] (13 Jul 2020)
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‘At night I would go to my room to quietly drink.’ Irish women and addiction.
[Irish Times] Morris, Melanie (11 Jul 2020)
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HRB reports continued increase in cocaine treatment.
[Health Research Board] (09 Jul 2020)
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Treatment for cocaine trebles in just six years.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (09 Jul 2020)
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Minister Feighan acknowledges the publication of the Health Research Board’s latest research on drug
treatment for 2019.
[Department of Health] (09 Jul 2020)
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Public subsidy to aid Pubs and the sale of alcohol is an irrational idea.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (09 Jul 2020)
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Senior addiction counsellor voices fears over surge in 'snowballing' in Cork and Limerick.
[Irish Examiner] Woulfe, Jimmy (09 Jul 2020)
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Confusion among gardaí on how to enforce laws around alcohol amid Covid-19.
[Irish Examiner] (08 Jul 2020)
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Minister seeks report on use of laughing gas following death of a teenager.
[Irish Times] Gleeson, Colin (08 Jul 2020)
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Warning of virus spike after 'predictable' street drinking scenes.
[RTE News] (06 Jul 2020)
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Health Minister Donnelly stands by open minded attitude toward cannabis.
[Extra.ie] Condon, Ali (06 Jul 2020)
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Gardaí to get 'electronic key' to intercept criminal gangs' encrypted messages.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (04 Jul 2020)
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Decrypted: How European drug lords are scrambling for cover as encrypted phone networks are
[thejournal.ie] MacNamee, Garreth (03 Jul 2020)
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Government confirms junior minister portfolios
[RTE News] (02 Jul 2020)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Education policy [17129/20]. [
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] (30 Jul 2020)
Alcohol sales [20548/20]. [
[link removed]
] (30 Jul 2020)
Addiction treatment services [19509/20] [Gambling]. [
[link removed]
] (29 Jul 2020)
Alcohol sales [18516/20] [Home delivery]. [
[link removed]
] (28 Jul 2020)
Mental health services [18703/20]. [
[link removed]
] (28 Jul 2020)
Mortality rates [18683/20] [Alcohol]. [
[link removed]
] (28 Jul 2020)
National Drugs Strategy [18438/20, 18439/20, 18886/20]. [
[link removed]
] (28 Jul 2020)
Substance misuse [18431/20, 18609/20, 18611/20] [Nitrous oxide]. [
[link removed]
] (28 Jul 2020)
Substance misuse. [18402/20, 18606/20, 18607/20, 18608/20, 18619/20] [Nitrous Oxide]. [
[link removed]
] (28 Jul 2020)
Mental health services [17742/20]. [
[link removed]
] (23 Jul 2020)
Tax data [Alcohol]. [
[link removed]
] (22 Jul 2020)
Alcohol treatment services [16926/20]. [
[link removed]
] (21 Jul 2020)
Tobacco smuggling [17426/20]. [
[link removed]
] (21 Jul 2020)
Value added tax [Alcohol]. [
[link removed]
] (21 Jul 2020)
Drug and alcohol task forces. [
[link removed]
] (16 Jul 2020)
substance misuse [Nitrous oxide]. [
[link removed]
] (15 Jul 2020)
Drugs crime. [
[link removed]
] (15 Jul 2020)
Regeneration projects [15758/20]. [
[link removed]
] (14 Jul 2020)
Appointment of Ministers and Ministers of State. [
[link removed]
] (07 Jul 2020)
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