Coronavirus has left a £20,000 hole in HOPE not hate's finances, and it might mean we have to cut back on what we do.

HOPE not hate

John --

These last few months have been hard for HOPE not hate.

We have seen a sharp drop-off in online donations, a pause on funding from grant organisations, and the loss of support from groups that have traditionally financed our work.

All of this has happened in the context of us tracking far-right thugs as they took to the streets of the UK, fighting to get violent nazi gangs outlawed, and standing up for the rights of Uyghur people in China – and we did it all with half of our staff team on furlough.

John, I’ll level with you – coronavirus has left a significant hole in HOPE not hate’s finances. If we want to continue operating at our current level we urgently need to raise £20,000 to plug the gap. Will you step up and make a donation today so we can keep up the fight?

In 2010 HOPE not hate beat the BNP, in 2015 we beat UKIP and in 2019 we beat the Brexit Party. We stopped a nazi terrorist from murdering an MP, and have infiltrated and exposed far-right groups across the world.

We can’t imagine what the world would have been like if we’d not been there to take on these fights, and we don’t want to imagine what it will be like if we can’t take them on in the future.

The work we do is vital, but we’re at risk of losing it. Help us to plug this hole – make a donation today.

Thank you.

Nick Lowles
HOPE not hate

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