
It’s beyond doubt: foreign nations continue to attack American elections. Republicans know this, but won’t do anything about it. Closing loopholes that allow secret foreign influence might interfere with the dark money that supports their extremist agenda.

Think about that for a moment. Mitch McConnell would rather expose our democracy to foreign influence than disappoint big special-interest, dark-money allies.

For instance, fossil-fuel dark money is the lifeblood of the Republican Party, helping creepy planet-wrecking industries shut down climate action in our political system. To Republicans on the receiving end, that appears to matter more than protecting elections from foreign influence.

I started Oceans PAC to fight back against this very problem. The only way we’ll get dark money out of our politics is by electing leaders who can’t be bought. That’s how we’ll make progress against urgent issues like climate change – so I’m asking today: Will you donate $5 or more to Oceans PAC to elect leaders who will stand up to Republicans’ embarrassing inaction and elect leaders who will take on dark money and stop climate change?


Sheldon Whitehouse