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"The alarm is being raised in all quarters: from the Catholic church to the National Secular Society, from the Scottish Police federation to the Law Society of Scotland."
Ian Paisley has said a £200 payment that he received from a religious publication to write a platform piece praising pro-life Catholics is a "standard fee".
The Treasury Department imposed sanctions on a powerful government entity that runs companies and farms in the Xinjiang region, where officials carry out the mass internment of Muslims.
For years, Uyghur women both inside Xinjiang and around the world have accused the Chinese government of a campaign of abuse, including forced sterilization, cultural indoctrination and incidents of sexual violence.
Moreton Bay Boys' College in Brisbane teaches children from a controversial sex education booklet that discusses how LGBT+ people can "successfully" become heterosexual and describes those with ambiguous genitalia as "freaks".
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