Tuesday, August 4th, 2020

Europeans Are Waking Up to Government Covid Tyranny. Why Are We Still Asleep?

Dr. Ron Paul

No One Has Died From the Coronavirus

Important revelations shared by Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association. Rosemary Frei and Patrick Corbett

Why the Media Chose Not To Hear When Trump Called Obama a Literary Fraud

Jack Cashill

Boston Marathon Bombing Death Sentence Vacated by Federal Court of Appeals

Paul Craig Roberts

The White Black Nationalist Color Revolution

C.J. Hopkins

COVID Case Numbers Far Lower Than Claimed

Jon Rappoport

Are You Loving Your Servitude?

Part Two. Jim Quinn

Funding Is Being Reduced for.Nearly Half of All Major City Police Departments

Michael Snyder

Rockefeller’s ‘Reset the Table’: Food Tyranny & a Transformed Food Supply

YouTube Video

In Your Face

Eric Peters

A Glimpse Towards November

James Howard Kunstler

US Government & Yale Hold Clinical Trials On How Best To ‘Persuade’ Americans To Take COVID-19 Vaccine

Joe Martino

LRC Blog

Political Theatre

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