John -- Please tell us you’ve seen these awful headlines today:

It’s unbelievable that, even after the Washington GOP failed (multiple times!) to repeal the Affordable Care Act, they’re still trying to destroy it in the courts.
The American people approve overwhelmingly of the Affordable Care Act because it has helped over 20 million working people, and tens of thousands of Mainers, to be able to afford health insurance for the very first time.
We can’t let them move forward with this plan to destroy the Affordable Care Act. Please, sign immediately to demand that we protect affordable health care. >>
There are basic essentials in life, and one of them is health care, John.
We know that the Affordable Care Act has not solved every problem with our health care system. But we need to work to improve it and continue to find ways to lower costs -- not completely dismantle it.
So, if you sign just one petition today, we truly hope it’s this one.
Sign immediately to help us protect affordable health care. >>
-- Team Golden