Corporate interests are pumping in millions trying to defeat Squad members

Corporate interests are pumping in millions as they try to defeat Squad members Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.

Fight back. Donate today. Rashida's primary is tomorrow! Ilhan's is next week!

Make calls for Rashida. And, make calls for Ilhan.

Donate. Turn on images to see The Squad!

Rashida Talib (MI-13) and Ilhan Omar (MN-05) are progressive heroes that corporate interests are spending millions trying to defeat in primaries this week:

WASHINGTON POST: The 'squad' gears up for two tough primaries

THE HILL: 'Squad' member Rashida Tlaib faces strong primary challenger

Rashida's primary is tomorrow. Ilhan's is next Tuesday! Donate NOW to fight corporate power with people power and help Get Out The Vote for two progressive heroes! Click here.

This cycle, PCCC members have donated over $136,000 to Ilhan via 16,750 donations. And over $76,000 to Rashida via 10,000 donations.

AOC, Ayanna Pressley, and the progressive movement cannot afford to lose these heroes in Congress. This is the time to donate or volunteer for these keepers of the flame.

I will donate right now to re-elect Ilhan and Rashida!

I will call voters in their districts to GET OUT THE VOTE. (Sign up to call Michigan voters for Rashida and sign up to call Minnesota voters for Ilhan.)

Corporate interests are pumping money behind Rashida Tlaib's opponent, Brenda Jones, who took illegal campaign cash from bankers. The Intercept reports these donations "violate state rules against pay-to-play." Jones also doesn't live in the district!

In Ilhan's district, corporate interests are propping up a union-busting corporate lawyer who raised over $3.2 million last quarter in Pro-Trump corporate money. The Washington Post reports "That money has funded a steady stream of direct mail and TV ads against Omar."

Ilhan says, "I was honored to be part of the first PCCC National Candidate Training in 2015 when I was first running for office.” Rashida says, "I love the Progressive Change Campaign Committee's commitment to grassroots, get-out-the-vote energy. Organizing and fighting in our communities is how we win! I’m excited to keep fighting together for the issues we believe in -- like Medicare-for-All, expanding Social Security, and cheaper prescription drugs."

Keep Rashida and Ilhan in Congress. Donate here.

Or sign up to volunteer for Rashida and for Ilhan.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Election Team







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