Dear Friend --
Abrahamic faiths trace their founding to Prophet Abraham and the followers share his legacy, albeit in their own ways.
Muslims commemorate Prophet Abraham and his family on the tenth day of the last month of the Islamic calendar, known as the day of Eid al-Adha, or the Celebration of Sacrifice. This year, Eid al-Adha fell on July 31st.?
In the Islamic tradition, the story of Abraham and Ishmael is almost the same as the biblical story except that it is Ishmael, and not Isaac, being sacrificed.
Whichever son it was, the story of Abraham teaches us that the price to uphold truth and justice is paid through personal sacrifice.?
At CLUE, as people of different faiths and traditions, we come together and volunteer our time to make this world a better place for those who are pushed to the margins. ?
We invite you to join us in our shared struggle and to honor the legacy of our common father, Prophet Abraham (peace and blessings be upon him) and his progeny.? ?
Shakeel Syed, Secretary of the Board of Directors
Ali Tweini, CLUE Board Member, Personnel Committee
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CLUE: Building a Just and Sacred Society - 464 Lucas Ave, Suite 202, Los Angeles, CA 90017, United States
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