![]() Dear Fellow Patriot, National media headlines like the above from POLITICO over the weekend would have you believe we're out of the woods on Congress' latest CORONA-Y-ISM monstrosity. But we AREN'T YET . . . not by long shot. So, I'm writing you personally today to ask for IMMEDIATE help. Consider what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) vowed to implement over the weekend if she gets her way: The rest? What more could they want? The good news is pressure from citizens like you is working. And now the authoritarians in the Washington, D.C. "Swamp" are scrambling to keep their dream alive of forcing you to get a government mark of approval to live your life with H.R. 6666-style contact tracing armies. . . Not to mention more, more, more, taxpayer-funded goodies to enrich themselves, their corporate cronies, and their well-connected special interest pals at your expense. We can't let the growing opposition in the Senate to this CORONA-Y-ISM monstrosity fold. That's why I've told C4L staff to double down on my goal to gather and deliver ten thousand postcards to your senators from good folks like you. We've gathered nearly 7,500 petitions and postcards to your senators. But we must keep the pressure on. Here's what I need you to do. . . First, sign your postcard to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and your U.S. Senators at once, if you haven't already done so. Then, please forward this message to your friends, family, and business associates and ask them to sign the postcard as well. Finally, please pitch in as generous a financial contribution as you can to help me rally more patriots to stop the Big Government politicians from sending our nation off a cliff in shackles with their marriage of this Orwellian nightmare and another spending monstrosity. You know as well as I do, creatures of the Washington, D.C. “Swamp” will take advantage of ANY CRISIS to enrich themselves and their cronies. The only thing more alluring to them is expanding their RAW POWER and CONTROL over Americans' lives and livelihoods. So it's no surprise that's what they're trying with the coronavirus hysteria they've spun back up in recent weeks. But what really worries me is BOTH parties' "negotiators" seem to be in lock step despite growing opposition among Republican senators thanks to liberty-loving Americans' action. Just look at what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said recently about the growing revolt against the CORONA-Y-ISM power grabs: these bills. I don't agree with that." Meanwhile, the White House’s chief "negotiator" -- Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin -- declared on the Sunday news shows "I was surprised the speaker said we don’t agree on the need to kill the virus. We absolutely agree.” We're willing to deal. . . and pass something quickly." Of course, you'd expect Mnuchin, the architect of COVID-PPP bailout "loans," to say that. After all, the Big Government politicians and their corporate cronies and well-connected special interest pals have benefited enormously from their COVID-PPP "loans." These are the same "loans" used to purchase Lamborghinis, as The Washington Post reported recently. The same "loans" both the Pelosi and McConnell family businesses -- along with those of countless other politicians like governors in states that ordered you under lockdown -- got in the last spending monstrosity. Of course, the coronavirus death rate has plummeted. But that didn't stop Sen. McConnell from including nearly $200 BILLION more of those same "loans" in his $1 TRILLION CORONA-Y-ISM spending package. The good news is, pressure from citizens like you is working -- the authoritarians in the Washington, D.C. "Swamp" are scrambling and looking for short-term "deals." It's vital you and I pour even more pressure on to bring their schemes to a halt. Please act at once. For Liberty, ![]() Dr. Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. Sign your postcard to Sen. McConnell and your U.S. Senators and once you have, forward this message to friends, family, and business associates. And please consider pitching in a generous financial gift to help Campaign for Liberty mobilize more liberty-loving Americans like you to stop Big Government politicians from sending our nation off a cliff in shackles with their marriage of this Orwellian nightmare and another spending monstrosity. |