Meat-Free in Solidarity

Dear John,

Mercy For Animals believes in creating a more compassionate and equitable society. We advocate for the animals who suffer unconscionable cruelty at the hands of the factory farming industry. We also stand in solidarity with workers who are exploited in our unsustainable food system. To dismantle factory farming, we must stand up for all who suffer at the hands of giant meat companies.

Take Action Now!

Slaughterhouses are COVID-19 hotspots, and workers are sick and dying. As facilities shut down across the country, countless animals are being killed on farms in ways even more horrific than the slaughter line.

The meat industry treats workers and animals as expendable and profits as they suffer.

They are not expendable.

As part of a coalition of social justice organizations, Mercy For Animals is calling on meat companies to eliminate some of the worst animal cruelty in their operations while adequately protecting vulnerable workers. Pledge to go #MeatFreeInSolidarity with animals and the workers whose lives are at stake.

Leah Garcés
80‌33 SUNS‌ET BLV‌D, SU‌ITE 864 |  LOS AN‌GELES, CA 90‌046 | 8‌66.63‌2.64‌46