News from Chrissy!

Dear John, 

Our team wrapped up another busy week down in Washington, and I wanted you to see the highlights of our work on behalf of Pennsylvanians. To be sure, the challenges we face are great, but my faith is our ability to join together and tackle what lies ahead has never been stronger. 

Before diving into our latest news, I wanted to remind you about our recent survey on vaccines, masks, and voting from home. In it, I shared with you all why your feedback is so important. Consider sharing your thoughts with us today if you haven't done so already. 

More importantly, as the general election draws closer, the way our office is able to communicate with all of you changes. If you are not subscribed to our updates, you will no longer receive helpful updates just like this one. Whether you believe you are subscribed or not, we invite you to be sure by heading to our website and signing up.

I'd also like to share how disappointed I am in the Senate's failure to vote on a relief package, resulting in millions of Americans losing their enhanced unemployment benefits over the weekend. Over two months ago, I helped pass the bipartisan HEROES Act, which not only would've prevented this lapse in benefits but also thoroughly addressed the COVID-19 crisis, including testing, our small business community, and more. Our country continues to suffer, with many working Americans being the hardest hit, and it is unacceptable that my counterparts in the Republican majority Senate have failed to vote on a plan.

In This E-Newsletter You Will Find:

Recent Events
— Including our latest town hall with Dr. Benjamin Abella, a renowned physician and public health expert, and Jeanne E. Casner, County Health Director at the Chester County Health Department

What We're Working On — Including introducing new legislation to help over 15,000 small businesses in our community, joining with community leaders to emphasize the importance of the census, funding our postal service, passing critical child care legislation, and working across the aisle to promote national service-based initiatives 

Delivering For Our Community — Including a recent constituent success story regarding a mistaken case of identity theft with the IRS

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Recent Events

Prioritizing Public Safety - Coronavirus Virtual Town Hall 

I recently hosted my 25th town hall. We focused on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and what we're doing at the federal, state, and local levels to address it. To help provide the most accurate information, I was joined by Dr. Benjamin Abella, Attending Physician and Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Penn Medicine, and Jeanne E. Casner, the County Health Director at the Chester County Health Department. Not able to participate? Listen to the full audio recording here

What We're Working On

Introducing Legislation to Help Over 15,000 Small Businesses in PA-06

I worked with Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) to introduce the bipartisan Paycheck Protection Small Business Forgiveness Act to expedite forgiveness for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans of $150,000 or less. This legislation would streamline the process for small business owners to certify compliance with PPP requirements and expedite the loan forgiveness process for about 86% of PPP borrowers.

In order to successfully rebuild our economy, Congress and the Administration need to be doing everything we can to help our small businesses weather the COVID-19 crisis. In our office, we have worked alongside our small business community to help secure loans, increase access to capital for minority- and women-owned businesses, and improve transparency into the Paycheck Protection Program. I'm proud to partner with Representative Upton to help the more than 15,000 small businesses in my community who have received loans of $150,000 or less to quickly and effectively navigate the forgiveness process. I will continue to reach across the aisle to support our small businesses in our community, Commonwealth and country during these uncertain times.

Ensuring Access to Affordable Child Care

Last week, I helped pass two bipartisan child care bills through the House of Representatives: the Child Care Is Essential Act and the Child Care for Economic Recovery Act.

Without sufficient support from the federal government, Pennsylvania stands to lose nearly 200,000 licensed child care slots, approximately 50% of the child care supply in the Commonwealth.

Access to quality, affordable child care is paramount to a thriving and successful economy in which all Americans can participate. During this COVID-19 crisis, many Pennsylvanian families have had to adapt to a new way of life, and as our economy begins to reopen, it’s crucial that our child care facilities are adequately funded so they’re able to safely care for our children. I had my first child while I was active duty in the Air Force. Part of the reason I chose to separate from the military was a lack of access to affordable child care. Child care has been an important issue to me ever since. In Congress, I have led a number of initiatives to increase access to child care, particularly for our military families, and I’m proud to help this legislation move one step closer to the president’s desk for signature. Working families should never have to choose between their job and their children.

Securing Funds to Combat Spotted Lanternflies

The spotted lanternfly has the potential to damage Pennsylvania's economy, specifically our agricultural community, by $18 billion. We need to protect our farmers by funding research into the eradication of this invasive insect. That's why I'm working with fellow PA Rep. Glenn "GT" Thompson to secure $16 million in federal funding. To hear more about this effort, check out my interview here.

Standing Up for Our Postal Service and Ensuring Access to Vote From Home

When our Constitution was written, it empowered Congress “to establish Post Offices and Post Roads.” Even then, we understood how critical this service is to a functioning democracy. Two months ago, the House of Representatives passed legislation to support the United States Postal Service. This isn't a partisan issue, and given we're three months away from a general election that will depend heavily on our post offices, it's time we come together and support our postal workers. 

When I sent out my latest survey in part asking our community's opinion on voting from home, the majority of our nearly 9,000 respondents said they would in fact be casting their ballot from their kitchen table. This goes to show how critical a reliable and well-supported postal service is for the safety of our elections and our community. Apply to vote from home at

Joining With Community Leaders to Push for a Complete Census Count

I hosted a conversation with Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, U.S. Representative (NY-12) & Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Luis Tovar, President of Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs in Kennett Square, Dr. Julie Dietrich, Director of External Affairs for West Chester University, and Michael Toledo, CEO of Centro Hispano of Reading and Berks County, to talk about the importance of the 2020 Census. Every ten years, our nation counts every person in our country.  From that complete count, funding from the federal government is determined. This is why it matters: missing just one person could reduce health care funding annually by $1,746, education funding by $774 and job training by $128. And again, that's if we miss just ONE person!

These numbers are extremely alarming. Getting a complete count of everyone in our community is crucial to getting the resources and representation available to ensure our neighborhoods will be able to serve our needs. To be counted is to be heard--fill out your census today

Working Across the Aisle to Promote Service 

Service to others is more critical now than ever before. That's why I teamed up with my fellow leaders of the bipartisan For Country Caucus, Reps. Don Bacon (NB-2), Jimmy Panetta (CA-20), and Michael Waltz (FL-6), to write an op-ed in Time.

Our proposal, the Inspire to Serve Act, nurtures the spirit of American service and builds the future through national service programs. The Inspire to Serve Act would expand and encourage service opportunities in established programs like AmeriCorps and Senior Corps.

Our bill would also expand service opportunities in the current National Service Fellowship Program from 25,000 to 250,000 and double the size of the Youthbuild and Youth Conservation Corps, two youth employment programs which engage tens of thousands of young people in meaningful work experiences on national parks, forests and wildlife refuges. This legislation would also create a Civic Education Fund to prioritize civics education so children can learn the value of service, how to be good citizens and how to engage effectively with their communities from an early age.

By encouraging national service, we believe we can help our nation better recover. The expansion of service opportunities will lead to a rebuilding, regrowth, and reconnection of Americans yearning to band together once more to foster a more perfect union.

Delivering for Our Community: Constituent Services  

Since taking office, we've focused heavily on serving our community through constituent services. Hopefully, you have a clear idea of the many ways we can help you! Here is yet another example from Frances in Reading who recently rated our constituent services as "Excellent" and is "Extremely likely" to refer someone who needs help to our office. 

If you are having an issue with a Federal Agency, fill out our form and our team will contact you! We also invite you to read more success stories here

Our website is always a resource for you and your family. Whether you are looking for ways to help others, the latest on COVID-19 public safety guidance, or ideas to keep your children engaged in academics, you'll find what you're looking for at Or, if you'd rather talk with our staff, give us a call at (202) 225-4315.

Recently, we've archived all of our e-newsletters on our website. To view all of our updates, click here

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We want to hear from you. Please stay in touch and let us know what you thought of this e-newsletter. You can call one of our offices or fill out our contact form. As always, please subscribe to this e-newsletter to keep up with what is happening regarding coronavirus, our many events, and the work we're doing for Pennsylvanians. Feel free to pass this link along to friends of our community as well so they can keep in touch too. We're all in this together. 

1218 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4315
M-F 9:00am-6:00pm
709 E. Gay Street
Suite 4
West Chester, PA 19380
Phone: (610) 883-5050
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

815 Washington Street
Suite 2-48
Reading, PA 19601
Phone: (610) 295-0815
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

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