Dear John,

Up for a quickie?

A quick phone bank, of course!  Sheesh!

Tonight we're kicking off Manny's Monday Phone Bank for Biden, sponsored by our friends at Manny's and Democracy Action.  I'd love to see some Stand Up faces there as well; let's represent, y'all!  Pour a beverage, pull up a comfy chair, and make some calls with your activist pals.  There will be plenty of help available for technical stuff, issue questions, etc.  A few calls is better than no calls, even if we're just cleaning up the list.  Join us.  Let's get rid of the bad man.

Today is also a big day for our pal Mark Kelly in Arizona.  I mean, how can you not love a guy who's an astronaut and married to Gabby Giffords?  Let's get that man in the senate STAT.  There are GOTV phone banks for Mark Kelly from 12-2 and 4-6.  Help give Martha McSally the heave-ho.

For the phone-phobic among us...texting is a great way to connect with voters, without the social anxiety!  Yippee!  It's incredibly effective, super easy, and can be done anytime/anywhere.  I'll be hopping on the Biden text train today.  Sign up with me at Text out the Vote and let's send Trump off with a crushing defeat.

We need our MOC's to start screaming and yelling about the United States Postal Service.  One way to avoid the dreaded switchboard is to use Resistbot to send messages to any or all of your representatives.  Just message the word RESIST on your smartphone to the number 50409 and the bot will walk you through it.  They can even dial directly to the office for you.  Highly recommend.  [Of course, if you prefer the old fashioned way, that's fine too.  Feinstein (415)393-0707, Harris (415)981-9369, Pelosi (415)556-4862, and Speier (650)342-0300.]

And speaking of our beloved USPS!  Support them in every way you can think of.  I just bought a ton of cute post card stamps.  Send someone a handwritten note or card, it will brighten their day.  When you have packages delivered, always choose the USPS option if possible.  You don't know what's you've got 'til it's gone...let's not find out the hard way on this one.

Do you have a campaign/phone bank/etc. you'd like us to plug here?  Drop me a line at [email protected].  I've already got quite a few items in the pipeline for you, coming soon!

I wish activism were free; sadly it costs about $150 to keep this taco stand open each month, even during COVID.  Anything you could do to help would be greatly appreciated.  

Now let's tackle Monday.

Best regards,
Stand Up San Francisco