By Benjamin Powell (The Hill, 7/29/20)

Whatever their differences, the federal COVID-19 spending proposals advocated by Senate Republicans and House Democrats would fail to stimulate the economy in the short run and would make the economy worse in the long run. Neither proposal is designed to improve public safety or lift the state-imposed lockdowns, and each would entail more public debt and future tax hikes. READ MORE »
By Stephen P. Halbrook (America’s 1st Freedom, 7/26/20)

New York’s hostility toward the private ownership of firearms for self-defense is more than a century old. It all started with the Sullivan Act of 1911, the first law in any state (other than the slave codes) to require a license for mere possession of a pistol, even in the home. READ MORE »
By Ronald L. Trowbridge (American Thinker, 7/10/20)

Have the Golden State’s leaders forsaken the precepts of a democratic republic? Judging by his stay-at-home orders and business closures, undermining of the gig economy, and support for restrictions on a landlord’s right to sell to the highest bidder, Gov. Gavin Newsom has become a monarch. READ MORE »
By Thomas F. Cargill (The Independent Review, Summer 2020)

Judging by a representative sample of textbooks, America’s high-school students get little exposure to the history of eugenics and scientific racism. One reason might be that the relationship of these movements to Progressivism is too close for comfort. READ MORE »
By Richard K. Vedder (Forbes, 7/20/20)

Ohio’s colleges are in the same predicament as others in the nation. With falling enrollments, rising expenses, loss of athletic revenue, declining state subsidies, falling endowment income and donor grants, half-filled dorm rooms, and declining international enrollments, the outlook for most is bad. READ MORE »
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