Dear John,
The fossil fuel industry continues to push forward with its attacks on the
environment. Even in the midst of a global health crisis, these Big Polluters
persist. They’re putting our climate and health at risk from pollution of our
air, water, and land.
Now, we have a chance to stop one of these projects -- the Trans Mountain
Pipeline. This tar sands pipeline puts the endangered Southern Resident Orca at
risk of extinction.
The pipeline must renew its insurance by the end of August. Three of its
insurers have already announced they are dropping the project. But Liberty
Mutual, one of its biggest insurers, is continuing to prop up this polluting
pipeline. We need you, John, to push Liberty Mutual
Insurance to drop the Trans Mountain Pipeline!
Use Your Voice: Tell Liberty Mutual Insurance to drop Trans Mountain and focus
on people, not polluters!
Take Action
[[link removed]]If built, the Trans Mountain Pipeline will ship almost a million barrels of tar
sands oil per year across Canada, through the Salish Sea in hundreds of oil
tankers, and into the United States to be refined.
Not only is tar sands the dirtiest oil -- heavy and virtually impossible to
clean up -- it is also one of the highest carbon sources of oil on the planet.
Liberty Mutual Insurance is one of the few financial institutions standing in
the way of stopping this pipeline. If we can stop Liberty Mutual from renewing
Trans Mountain’s Insurance, we can stop the pipeline. That is why we need a wave
of public pressure to demand Liberty Mutual drop this project -- forcing Trans
Mountain to scramble to find insurers before the end-of-month deadline.
Demand Liberty Mutual Insurance drop the Trans Mountain Pipeline! This polluting
project must be stopped in its tracks.
Take Action
[[link removed]]The Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion will cause California, Washington, and
Oregon’s waters to be inundated with oil tankers. This region provides habitat
to endangered Southern Resident Orcas.
These orcas have already lost 60-90% of their ability to use echolocation for
hunting and communicating due to noise from shipping traffic. The added increase
in tankers from the Trans Mountain Pipeline will further threaten their already
dwindling population – and in the event an oil tanker spill happens, these
iconic whales would be at risk of extinction.
There are only 74 Southern Resident Orcas remaining. We cannot risk their
extinction for Big Oil profits.
Activists like you have resisted the Keystone XL pipeline, put enough pressure
on Duke and Dominion Energy to stop the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, and pushed
Zurich Insurance to drop the Trans Mountain Pipeline. Now, we need you to
continue this momentum by putting pressure on Liberty Mutual to stop insuring
the Trans Mountain pipeline.
25,000 Signatures Still Needed: Demand Liberty Mutual Insurance protect orcas by
dropping the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
Take Action
[[link removed]]Standing with you,
Marcie Keever,
Oceans and vessels program director,
Friends of the Earth
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