I am so happy to share this news with you.

President Barack Obama just endorsed our campaign!

Before I go any further, will you rush a donation on this special day to flip this Colorado seat blue so we can win the Senate and take back our country?

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I am so proud of the work President Obama and I accomplished together. We expanded health care here in Colorado — getting 500,000 Coloradans covered. We implemented the Clean Power Plan to curb climate emissions and created a model to regulate harmful methane emissions.

We worked together, and put people first — the exact opposite of what’s happening in Washington right now. Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Cory Gardner have failed the American people. We have to stop them in November.

The truth is Democrats have virtually no chance of flipping the Senate without winning here in Colorado. Republican groups know that, and have unleashed a $9 million attack blitz against me — and Cory Gardner just placed an $8.5 million TV buy. Last week, a brand new poll showed our race in single digits!

So I’m personally asking: Will you join President Obama in supporting our campaign and rush $10 or more to help us win in Colorado and flip the Senate blue? It all adds up to make a difference in this competitive race:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

With the news of President Obama’s endorsement — and a poll showing that this race is close — you can bet Mitch McConnell is firing up the money machines to swoop in and try to save Cory Gardner and their Senate majority.

I always knew this race would be tight, but I also know we can win because of this strong grassroots team. Let’s flip this seat and take back our country.

Thank you so much,


P.S. Here’s a photo of President Obama and me at the Wynkoop just over 6 years ago. The president cleaned my clock in pool that night. We bet $20 and I lost — but he was generous and told me to donate it instead.

President Obama and John Hickenlooper