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Dear John,  

Ted Pankiewicz

Be sure to visit our website:

Hello Indian River!!
Three months until Election Day...
Fifteen days until Primary Day...
Isaias downgraded to a tropical storm and passed us by...
AND, we trust all survived safe and sound!!

So, down to business. The "Silent Majority," as President Nixon coined the term, is starting to strike back. The street in front of Tampa, FL's police headquarters now is decorated with "BACK THE BLUE." That is a decidedly welcome change of pace from what we have seen in the cities hosting riots, where the street "art" tends to pay homage to openly Communist or anarchist groups or addresses the police with obscenities. The pendulum does swing back; slowly at first, and then with gathering momentum. And in politics, timing is everything. Mitt Romney learned that the hard way when he decided not to campaign in the final week leading up to the 2012 election.

We continue the inordinately hard work of campaigning through a pandemic and associated closures, lockdowns, and the like. Please, contact us and offer your help to do what you can. Now more than ever, the Republican Party and Republican candidates from the top of the ticket to the bottom, in both party-affiliated and NPA races, need your help. Just click one of the links in this email, or contact Indian River Republican Headquarters, or the Trump Victory Office, and we will get you started.

Thank you for your continued support!!

 Joe Saul
Secretary Indian River County REC




Joe Saul
Indian River County Republican Executive Committee



Indian River County Republican Executive Committee, 2001 9th Ave., Ste. 107, Vero Beach, FL 32960
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