Revisit your favorite presentations and dig into the ones you missed
Revisit your favorite presentations and dig into the ones you missed
August 29, 2019 
End Exploitation Movement Leaders
Updates for leaders in the movement to defend dignity and oppose sexual exploitation. If you have an announcement, please email

The Best Information from the Movement to End Exploitation is Now at Your Fingertips ... and Free!

As leaders and passionate advocates in the fight to #EndExploitation, we know you are well-served by having the best knowledge, research, data, information, and analysis at your disposal. 
That's why we're excited to announce that all sessions from the 2019 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Global Summit are now available to be watched and shared!
Revisit your favorite presentations and dig into the ones that you weren't able to make. Watch on your own or gather a group together to review and discuss. Use well and far and wide.
Don't know where to begin? Below we've broken out a handful that represent just a few of our favorite sessions from the 2019 CESE Summit.
(P.S. Don't forget to keep scrolling after you've checked out the videos. We've got some important information regarding the 2020 CESE Summit in this here email.)

The Failure of Legalization of Prostitution in the Netherlands

In 2000, the Dutch lifted the ban of brothel keeping and by doing so they legalized prostitution. The intentions were good: improve conditions for women in prostitution and combat human trafficking.
Almost twenty years later, the Dutch have to admit their policy, which they deemed progressive and pragmatic, has totally failed. As the mayor of Amsterdam admitted lately: the situation in the red light district of Amsterdam has become untenable.
Renate van der Zee explained why the Dutch thought the legalization of prostitution a good idea, why it has failed, and to what consequences.

The Role of Dissociation in Prostitution

When we talk about prostitution we often do not talk enough about dissociation. How does dissociation affect people in and after they escape prostitution? When women and girls in prostitution have to dissociate their feelings away, they always dissociate more and more of their whole self away – until their self is gone.
If the brain has constantly trained this mechanism of “I-go-away-from-this-moment-here,” then the dissociation can start to work automatically. Sometimes it does not stop after the women exit prostitution. It did not stop when Sandra Norak exited prostitution.
In this talk, Sandra Norak addressed the issues people face when attempting to connect with themselves after they have lost themselves and how we can support the healing journeys of prostituted women to overcome dissociation and trauma. 

The Latest Research on How Pornography Harms

Dr. John Foubert discussed the latest research available on the harms of pornography and reviewed recent studies with the audience to empower them to present data-based presentations in their communities. 

Best Practices and Tips for Working with Survivors

Shamere McKenzie--a consultant, activist, subject matter expert on human trafficking, and an award-winning and internationally-recognized speaker--was joined by Bekah Charleston for a talk about how to be more trauma-informed, having good intentions, not further exploiting survivors for “stories,” employing skills and knowledge survivors have in other ways to benefit the movement, and being deliberate in ways we portray survivors (like not using images without permission, not using images of victims for promotion, portraying a “victim” as helpless/bound/etc).
We're so excited for the 2020 CESE Summit!
Here are a few important things you need to be aware of:
  • It's happening July 22-25, 2020
  • It's taking place in Washington, D.C.
  • Registration is open, register now! (And invite someone to register.)
  • Speaker submissions are open, apply now! (And invite someone to apply.)
Grateful for your leadership!
Dawn Hawkins,
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