New Dems - New Democrat Coalition Action Fund Logo

We understand this is a challenging time, so please only donate if you can. Most importantly, take care of yourself and your loved ones during this difficult period in our nation's history.



A year ago, we launched our Frontier program to expand the Democratic majority in the House. We spent the past year supporting candidates who have what it takes to flip even more seats blue. Today, we're doubling down and endorsing 6 more exciting candidates and adding 4 new candidates to our Watch List.

Check these candidates out:

We've been hearing a lot lately about Democrats' momentum going into November. And guess what: NewDems played a huge role in shaping the House battlefield by finding and elevating superstar candidates across the country. We now have a whopping 27 candidates that are part of our Frontier program.

Listen, NewDems made the Democratic majority in the House in 2018 by flipping 32 of 40 net seats from red to blue. This time around, we decided to invest in strong candidates even earlier to make sure they have the resources they need to win.

And we're not done yet. Will you stand with us by contributing $7 a month to become a Majority Defender? Or will you support us by contributing whatever you can afford?

Kick In $7
Kick In Any Amount

We have the momentum, but we can't let up now. Will help us ensure we keep the House blue by chipping in whatever you can or becoming a Majority Defender and making a donation once a month?

Kick In $7
Kick In Any Amount

Our candidates have been working hard. It's paying off - they've put districts that were once Republican strongholds into play.

When I first ran and flipped a seat blue, groups like the NewDem Action Fund were critical to my success. That's how I know we can do it again with our Frontier candidates. Join our grassroots movement and help build a lasting NewDem majority in Congress by chipping in $7 a month.

Thanks for all you do to stand with us. Together we're going to win in November.

Be well,


Rep. Ami Bera
Chair of the NewDem Action Fund

P.S. By becoming a Majority Defender, you'll get access to NewDem Race Updates about what we're doing to defend the Democratic Majority in the House and elect these Frontier candidates in November.


Endorsed Frontier Candidates

  • Alyse Galvin, AK-AL
  • Hiral Tipirneni, AZ-06
  • Christy Smith, CA-25
  • Margaret Good, FL-16
  • Carolyn Bourdeaux, GA-07
  • Betsy Dirksen Londrigan, IL-13
  • Christina Hale, IN-05
  • Hillary Scholten, MI-03
  • Deborah Ross, NC-02
  • Kathy Manning, NC-06
  • Pat Timmons-Goodson, NC-08
  • Dan Feehan, MN-01
  • Jackie Gordon, NY-02
  • Kate Schroder, OH-01
  • Eugene DePasquale, PA-10
  • Wendy Davis, TX-21
  • Sri Kulkarni, TX-22
  • Gina Ortiz Jones, TX-23
  • Carolyn Long, WA-03  

Frontier Candidates to Watch

  • Sara Jacobs, CA-53
  • Jill Schupp, MO-02
  • Kathleen Williams, MT-AL
  • Amy Kennedy, NJ-02
  • Desiree Tims, OH-10
  • Hillary O'Connor Mueri, OH-14
  • Christina Finello, PA-01
  • Cameron Webb, VA-05