Dear Friend --

Whether you first learned of the Hibakusha a week ago or decades ago, hearing their testimonies - their memories of the day of the bombings and their ensuing long-term impact - is essential to understand nuclear weapons for what they truly are.

Learning about their journeys to survive the unprecedented trauma of the nuclear attacks and become unstoppable advocates for the elimination of nuclear weapons has inspired those of us who work on nuclear abolition for decades.

That is why today we’re delighted to share our brand new collaboration with the 1945 project, which features beautiful photos and powerful testimonies of the hibakusha and their call to action.

Let us take you through a journey by the resilient and brave survivors through the bombings in 1945 and onwards through decades of advocacy to the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Hibakusha 1945 project

Visit the page to experience their stories

Walk in the footsteps of the hibakusha and then join us in taking action to eliminate nuclear weapons.


Beatrice Fihn
Executive Director
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)


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