Friend --
Betsy DeVos has already proven that she is simply too unqualified and dangerous to serve as our Secretary of Education. But now she is leading Donald Trump’s charge to fully reopen schools this fall, despite a major spike in COVID-19 infections nationwide! Will you join Allied Progress, Daily Kos, and our partners in calling on Betsy DeVos to resign?
Cramming children into classrooms without any real precautions is the last thing our schools should be doing in the middle of a pandemic. But that’s Donald Trump and Betsy DeVos’s “plan” -- and they are hoping that our educators will go along with it.
And worse yet, DeVos cannot seem to answer even the most basic questions about how students and teachers will be kept safe from the virus or whether schools should follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines. Help us keep her answerable for her actions!
Friend, Betsy DeVos is leading our children into harm’s way -- all to back up Donald Trump’s whims. And to top it all off, DeVos either does not understand or does not care about the impact this public health and economic crisis is having on American families, college students, and student loan borrowers. DeVos has repeatedly sided with lenders and for-profit colleges (even those shut down for fraud!) while gutting key educational initiatives, including childhood literacy programs and protections for children of color and LGBTQ students.
One thing is for sure: American students and student loan borrowers don’t deserve to be treated this way. An Education Secretary should be focused on and loyal to students -- NOT partisan politics, special interest groups, and hate. Will you take a moment to sign the petition to urge Betsy DeVos to step down?
Thank you so much. And please stay safe.
-- Your friends at Allied Progress