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The Cohort - For Women Kicking Ass in Digital Media

Editor's Note

Hi friend,

How are you doing? I want to know how The Cohort can better serve you during this outrageous year. Please, please take a few moments to fill out this five-question survey to give me and my team some insight into your work and life these days. You also could be the lucky person who randomly wins a $100 Amazon gift card. 


Thank you for taking the time to reflect on your year. If that exercise brings you down, here are a few Cohort columns that inspire me to get back up:
— Mel Grau, editor, The Cohort

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Do you want to contribute, sponsor or otherwise inquire about The Cohort? Email Mel Grau at [email protected].
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The Poynter Institute | 801 Third Street South | St. Petersburg, FL 33701

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