The other four guilty convictions stand. I will be at the re-sentencing hearing.


 Today's Headlines

Obama appointed Federal appeals court judge overturns ISIS conviction of Muslim convert guilty in plot to BEHEAD Pamela Geller

The other four guilty convictions stand. I will be at the re-sentencing hearing.



Campus Boycott-Jews movement (BDS) threat shifting to academic boycotts

Open season on pro-Israel Jewish students this year.


NAACP President to Reporter: ‘I don’t talk to fucking Jews’

“Get the fuck out of here.” OMG - where is everyone? The left is turning this country into a racist hellhole.


Egyptian judoka refused to shake the Israeli’s hand after being defeated in the semi-final

Islamic Jew hatred -- stunting the Muslim world for millennia.


China Blinks!

Announcement about ending trade war. Stocks jumped pushing the Dow up more than 200 points.



Jihad Jew-hating Rep. Anti-Semitic Democrat Ilhan Omar Accused of Committing Perjury 7 Times in 2017 Court Documents

The facts describe perhaps the most extensive spree of illegal misconduct committed by a House member in American history.


Pro-Boycott of the Jews Union Backs Self-Hating Jew Bernie Sanders

Perfect. Jew-haters supporting self-loathing Jew.


Muslim Migrant GANG-RAPIST claims he is too depressed to be deported, and is a victim of slavery after airline passengers stopped him being returned to Somalia

“How could you defend a rapist?” the rape victim said. “How could you intervene? He was in handcuffs, he was being taken out of the country… who are you people to interfere with justice?”


Iran is the world’s biggest jailer of women journalists

The Democrats are fighting for these savages. And craven French President Macron actually invited them to the G-7.


Iraqi migrant SECURITY GUARD jailed for sexually attacking little girl #BacktheBan

The judge gave Mohammad Al Bayati a lenient sentence because of his 'upbringing.' What? Muslim? Imagine, the rapist gave the victim's mom a lecture on letting her children play in the playground.



Portland Man Beaten By Bar Leftist Mob For Wearing MAGA Hat

This is the run-up to civil war. These attacks are growing more frequent and more violent.


BRIILIANT! Queen APPROVES Boris Johnson’s request to suspend Parliament

She has always been the people's Queen. Love her.


“Palestinian” Harvard freshman deported after officials see jihad-linked social media posts

One can only imagine the more qualified applicants denied their rightful place so that Harvard appear tolerant and inclusive of the most intolerant and supremacist.


Ilhan Omar stole my husband, DC mom says in divorce papers

Her brusband must be devastated by the 'pious' Omar.


Boris Johnson ASKS THE QUEEN today to SHUT DOWN Parliament to stop Jeremy Corbyn’s plans to block Brexit deal

The people voted for Brexit. It is the will of the people. The UK elites refusal to act on a decided vote speaks to the UK's failure as a country.


Majority of Federal Arrestees are Foreigners, Thousands of “Unknown Citizenship”

Looks like President Trump's travel ban needs to be expanded.


New York: Elderly Rabbi Assaulted With Brick

Antisemitic violence is skyrocketing and Democrat leaders Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib can't stop bashing Jews, inciting to violence.


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