What's Happening at BPC
This weekly digest highlights BPC's media coverage, latest work, and upcoming events. If you have any questions about upcoming events, please email our events team at [email protected]
With unemployment numbers still rising, Congress is debating how to best support workers laid off during the pandemic. BPC's Shai Akabas discusses the different proposals on the table. Elsewhere, BPC's Dr. Anand Parekh outlines the risks of reopening schools in the fall; and David Lapan gives his take on how DHS under President Trump is handling the civil unrest in Portland, OR.
A new BPC/Morning Consult poll suggests that racial minorities are underrepresented among current unemployment insurance recipients. The new evidence comes in addition to what we already know: communities of color are disproportionately bearing the brunt of job loss, experiencing significant financial hardship, and struggling to afford necessities, such as food and rent, during the pandemic.
As the negative economic impacts of COVID-19 have led to state budget shortfalls and limited resources for state Medicaid programs, federal strategies that advance comprehensive, patient-centered primary care in Medicaid are more critical than ever.
Last week, BPC's Energy Project launched its Farm and Forest Carbon Solutions Initiative. The initiative will develop policy recommendations that incorporate agriculture and forestry as part of climate mitigation and shift the United States towards a low-carbon future.
In light of restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, BPC events have shifted to all remote formats, such as video teleconferences or calls.
Child Care: Start with Equity Webinar Series Part 4: Equitably Expanding High Quality Learning Opportunities for Dual Language and English Learners
Thursday, August 6
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ET
COVID-19's Impact on Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering
Friday, August 14
10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. ET
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