John --
Good afternoon and welcome to our Weekend Update.
A great deal of the national news and discussions in Washington
centered on The Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection and
Schools Act, more widely known as the HEALS Act. This is the latest
Republican relief proposal to help supplement the earlier CARES
I joined Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business to discuss the
HEALS Act and our continued support for America’s economic and social
recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. Click
here or below to watch.

Here are the Top Ten takeaways from the HEALS ACT proposal that you
need to know:
- Extends the Paycheck Protection Program by adding $60 billion for
small businesses with fewer than 300 employees and demonstrable
revenue losses since the pandemic began.
- Provides $100 billion in long-term, low-cost loans to seasonal
businesses and those located in low-income areas with demonstrable
revenue losses since the pandemic began.
- Shields businesses, schools, charities, and other organizations
from COVID-19 related lawsuits through October 1, 2024, as long as the
organization makes “reasonable” efforts to follow public health
- Includes tax credits for the increased costs to businesses needed
to operate during the pandemic. It also includes an expanded tax break
for businesses that are providing meals and entertainment for
- Expands the employee retention tax credit for businesses that keep
workers on their payrolls.
- Extends the federal supplemental unemployment benefits enacted as
part of the CARES Act for two months at $200 per week on top of
state-level benefits.
- Includes direct payments of $1,200 with incomes of $75,000 or less
a year, with $500 in benefits for each child or adult
- Provides $105 billion in funding for schools, with flexible
funding for Governors to spend based on the states’ needs. Two-thirds
of the money will be allocated to schools with reopening plans. Other
funds will create emergency scholarships to use toward qualified
educational expenses, including private school tuition.
- Creates tax credits to encourage the manufacturing of domestic
personal protective equipment.
- Includes $20 billion in aid for agriculture, which can be allotted
broadly under the discretion of the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Secretary Sonny Perdue.
This week, I spoke on the Floor to address Tuesday's House
Judiciary Hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr, which was one of
the most disgraceful events I have witnessed since coming to Congress.
This divisive political theater, driven by Democratic leadership, is
embarrassing and not productive. It was clear that they were so intent
on badgering the Attorney General, they rarely allowed him to speak or
answer questions. It wasn't a hearing; it was 100% political. We must
be united in solving problems for the American people, not prolonging
them through November 3rd General Election.
With the General Election fast approaching, an issue that has not
gotten enough attention is potential voter fraud. Voter fraud exists
and threatens the integrity of American elections.
I recently introduced the Stop Mail-In Voter Fraud Act to send a
message to anyone who tampers with mail-in ballots, that they will
face significant penalties, possibly including jail time. When a large
percentage of ballots are submitted via mail, the opportunity for
fraud is undoubtedly higher. Submitting a fraudulent vote is stealing
a vote. Additionally, a fraudulent vote cancels out a legitimate vote
cast by a law-abiding citizen, effectively suppressing that legitimate
The most important thing is for a citizen to vote. Pennsylvania now
has no excuse absentee ballots available. This is fine and anyone who
doesn’t think they can get to the polls should get an absentee ballot.
Universal ballot mailing which some states are doing is obviously
fraught with potential fraud and mistakes. There are many examples
from states doing this in just the past primary election. My bill will
notify people that cast a ballot in your own name and no one else’s or
you will face heightened criminal penalties.
There have been many instances of voter fraud in recent years,
including the examples from Philadelphia, New
Jersey and West
Virginia. My bill is a warning to anyone who does not vote in
their name that they will be subject to significant penalties,
possibly including jail time.
Any fraudulent vote suppresses a legitimate, legal
citizen's vote. One citizen, one vote.
I spoke to Sean Spicer on Newsmax TV ‘s show “Spicer & Co."
about the United Teachers Los Angeles "research paper," which set
guidelines for returning to school. Unfortunately, many of the major
things they outlined had nothing to do with schools reopening. To
safely return to the classroom, the Los Angeles teachers' union
demanded Medicare for all, the defunding of charter schools and lastly
defunding the police. It leads many to wonder if we are trying to
prolong this problem or are trying to solve it in a smart,
all-American way?
here or below to watch our interview.

I also spoke to Bob Hauer on the RJ Harris show. You can listen to
our interview by clicking
here. On Tuesday, I held a tele-town hall on current topics in
Washington and heard questions and concerns from those around the
Please have a great rest of the weekend and we will talk to you

Dan Meuser