Weekly Round-Up

Quincy in the news

August 2, 2020


A transpartisan case for peace on the Korean Peninsula
By Jessica Lee, Senior Research Fellow for East Asia
Responsible Statecraft/The American Conservative, 7/28/20

“If we take the first step of declaring the end of the Korean War, it could incentivize leaders of the Korean Peninsula to take action,” noted Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) at a virtual roundtable on Monday co-hosted by Women Cross DMZ, the American Conservative and the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft on how a permanent peace agreement can resolve the security crisis on the Korean Peninsula. “[President Barack] Obama never had a partner. Now there’s a partner in President Moon,” Congressman Khanna added. 

Defund America’s endless wars
By Asli Bali, Non-Resident Fellow
Just Security, 7/29/20

President Trump’s remarks last week characterizing purported lawlessness in cities like Portland and Chicago as “worse than Afghanistan” were offered as grounds for sending federal officers into these and other cities over the objections of local officials. President Trump has also characterized Black Lives Matter protesters themselves as terrorists, while also floating the possibility of designating Antifa as a terrorist organization. These actions have all been rightly and widely condemned. The President does not have the authority to designate “Antifa” or other domestic groups as terrorist organizations. And the President’s treatment of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or other federal law enforcement agencies as paramilitary forces that he can deploy at his discretion against cities “run by Democrats” has produced substantial legal and political pushback (with lawsuits, a Department of Justice investigation, resistance from mayors, criticism from former Republican DHS officials and legal scholars).

Tax burden from the Pentagon budget authorized by the NDAA wipes out COVID stimulus payments
By Eli Clifton, Investigative Journalist at Large
Responsible Statecraft, 7/25/20

Bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate this week approved a $740 billion national defense authorization bill (NDAA), setting up negotiations for a final version, which will almost certainly pose a major boon for defense contractors, passing along a tax bill that by comparison more than wipes out the average tax filer’s COVID-19 stimulus check.


WEBINAR: Enlarging NATO: Grave Mistake or Vital Cause?
With Alexandra Chinchilla, Rajan Menon, Sara Moller, & William Wohlforth. Moderated by Josh Shifrinson.
Quincy Institute, 7/28/20



WEBINAR: Undoing 70 years of war: a roundtable on advancing peace in Korea
With Christine Ahn, Suzanne DiMaggio,Doug Bandow, Lt. Col. Daniel Davis, Henri Feron, Rep. Ro Khanna, Jessica Lee, Adam Mount, Hazel Smith, & Kelley Vlahos. Moderated by Katharine Moon.
Co-hosted by Women Cross DMZ, Quincy Institute, & The American Conservative, 7/27/20





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