asking once again

I am once again asking you to make a donation to my campaign, Friend.

Our campaign is surging. The Boston Globe just endorsed us saying, "What distinguishes Markey’s leadership from many other Democrats, however, is that he’s pushed the country to think bigger about its response to the pandemic... It’s urgent to keep Ed Markey in the game.

This is our Rooseveltian moment. We must respond with bold, dare I say radical, ideas like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal -- ideas that can fundamentally reshape our democracy and get justice and equity for all.

But I cannot win this fight alone. That’s why I’m asking you to make a $3 donation right now to get us across the finish line. -- Ed Markey


This is U.S. Senator Ed Markey. My neck-and-neck election is in just 38 days.

I’m reaching out to ask you to support my campaign today, but first I hope you will give me a chance to explain why this race and your $3 donation are so important.

If you already understand what’s at stake, then please go ahead and make a $3 donation right now. Our movement needs grassroots support to take on the big money that is trying to defeat us.

The PCCC said when they endorsed me, "Senator Markey was the first senator to stand with AOC for a Green New Deal, one of the first elected leaders to fight for Net Neutrality, and the first senator to publicly reject campaign cash from the Fraternal Order of Police as they try to block police reform."

In a moment of crisis for our country and our planet, Joe Kennedy III decided to challenge me and risk setting back our progressive movement.

Kennedy has even said “[Ed] does an incredible job representing our Commonwealth in the United States Senate." In 2018, when asked whether he would challenge me, he said he had "a hard time understanding what those circumstances would be" -- even saying that he was a "strong supporter" of mine and “I expect that [Ed] will win."

Big-money forces are spending millions on TV ads to try to defeat me and drown out our voices. Nonetheless, polling shows that our race is in a dead heat -- well within the margin of error, and the momentum is on our side.

But the only way we can win this race for progressives is with lots and lots of small-dollar donations from people like you -- right now, to do what we need to do in the final 38 days. That’s why I need to ask:

Will you make a $3 contribution to my campaign to make sure we can defeat big-money forces and keep this seat for progressives? Your donation will send a powerful message about the strength of our progressive movement.

Look, this is the toughest race I’ve ever faced. The political insiders and pundits doubted us -- but it’s neck and neck. I’m proud to have the PCCC, Elizabeth Warren, the Sunrise Movement, AOC, and countless other progressives behind me.

I don’t back down from tough fights, and I know you don’t either. If this grassroots army is behind us, then I know that we will defeat the corporations and special interests that are so afraid of our ideas.

In solidarity,

-- Ed Markey





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PCCC co-founder Stephanie Taylor's first picture book, I Can Change Everything, teaches kids the power of their imaginations — from changing their socks and shoes to changing the world. Buy it (or any other book) from Powell's using this link, and a portion of your purchase will fund PCCC's organizing!


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