From The Boston Globe <[email protected]>
Subject What will it take for airlines to persuade us to fly?
Date August 2, 2020 1:26 PM
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Christopher Muther: What will it take for airlines to persuade us to fly?
There was a war taking place inside the cabin of Delta’s Airbus A381 as it sat on the tarmac at Logan.

A man with a device that resembled an insect fogger walked down the aisle of the plane, stopping at each row as the machine emitted a cloud of disinfectant. The electrostatic spraying was followed by a crew using high grade disinfectant to wipe down high touch points, such as seat belts, armrests, and tray tables.

The procedure is done between every flight. Where Delta Air Lines could once turn a plane around in half an hour, the cleaning procedures made necessary by the pandemic take twice as long.

“Our vision is this is not going to go away,” said Henry Kuykendall, Delta’s Northeast head of airport operations. “And if we wait for it to go away, that’s not a plan.”

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