In this installment of our monthly newsletter we look at the Democratic Party platform, our plan leading up to the 2020 election and more
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Dear Friend,

This past Monday, the Democratic Party’s Platform Drafting Committee voted to approve the most progressive, pro-Israel, pro-peace platform we’ve ever seen from a major American political party.

Though the platform did not include everything we fought for -- explicit opposition to the occupation was ultimately omitted -- our advocacy over the past year clearly made a difference. For the first time ever, the party spells out explicit support for Palestinian self-determination and opposition to annexation and settlement expansion. Alongside a firm commitment to Israel’s security and the US-Israel relationship, the platform pledges to restore America’s strained ties with the Palestinians.

The results of our advocacy against annexation are evident far beyond this important document. One month into Netanyahu’s window for "extending sovereignty" over large swaths of the West Bank, no plan has been advanced by his government. Meanwhile, in Congress, J Street allies are leading the charge to back up anti-annexation rhetoric with action -- most significantly by fighting to prevent US aid from being used to carry out annexation.

But the fight is far from over. While we keep up the pressure to prevent Netanyahu from implementing his expansionist vision before November, our most important work over the coming months is to elect a president who will take formal annexation off the agenda.

Then it's up to us to continue pushing the Democratic Party to grapple with the stark injustices of the occupation -- and to advance an agenda which meets the platform’s commitment to Palestinian rights, Israeli security and an end to the conflict.

The months leading up to November will be pivotal for our movement. We’re glad to have you with us as we take on the important work ahead.

Logan Bayroff
Director of Communications

Around J Street

J Street Welcomes 2020 Platform, Urges Commitment to Fight the Occupation

Students at a Change the Platform info session
Since October, J Street has mounted a broad and energetic campaign urging the Democratic Party to adopt a platform that commits to upholding Israeli security and Palestinian rights. J Street U leaders forged new coalitions with College Democrats on campuses around the country, more than two dozen high-level Obama officials and foreign policy professionals joined the effort and hundreds of rabbis and Jewish communal leaders signed petitions to the platform committee.

The result is the most progressive and nuanced draft platform ever produced by a major political party. As J Street founding staff member and Bernie Sanders’ Jewish Outreach Director Joel Rubin put it in Haaretz, “This platform, unlike its predecessors, focuses squarely on the substantive issues that will facilitate a two-state solution.”

J Street welcomed the final platform language while noting the unfortunate decision by the committee not to include a specific commitment to oppose the occupation. As Jeremy Ben-Ami and James Zogby noted in a joint op-ed, there should be no hesitation to call out the occupation as “an unacceptable injustice that -- in order to achieve a better future for both peoples -- can and should be brought to an end.”

Understanding that a two-state solution is not on the immediate horizon, advancing Palestinian rights and defending Israeli democracy will require policymakers and communal officials to confront the realities and injustices of the occupation head on. At J Street, we will continue pushing them to do so.

J Street launches 100 days of action to defeat Trump and elect pro-Israel, pro-peace candidates

100 days

As of today, there are 93 days until the American people have the chance to vote Trump out of office (and hand Mitch McConnell his retirement slip, as well). Despite strong polling for Joe Biden and pro-Israel, pro-peace candidates in the House and Senate, the race is far from won. We know that President Trump will stop at nothing to claim victory, and we know our country has never held a national election during a nation-wide pandemic.

That’s why last week, JStreetPAC launched its ‘100 Days to Win’ campaign. Every Monday, we’ll send out seven concrete, impactful actions you can take to help defeat Trump and elect pro-Israel, pro-peace majorities in the House and Senate -- that’s one action for every day until November 3.

If you’d like to receive these emails and participate in these important actions, please sign up to become a J Street member here.

J Street Condemns Trump’s Destruction of the US Refugee Program

Trump visits the border wall
In June, the Trump administration announced a series of cruel and arbitrary rule changes to the US refugee program which would further restrict the ability of vulnerable refugees to gain asylum. In an official submission to the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security in July, J Street voiced our community’s strong opposition to President Trump’s continued assault on the US refugee program.

“As representatives of the pro-Israel, pro-peace American Jewish community, our history and our values compel us to oppose the proposed rule changes in the strongest possible terms,” J Street’s submission read. “We note with anger the particular cruelty these changes inflict on women, children and LGBT+ individuals, the rights of whom our nation purports to champion abroad. We note with distress that this latest proposal would further undermine procedural fairness, disproportionately impair applications from non-English speakers and reduce the chances of resettlement being granted to those who need it most.”

As a primarily Jewish organization, J Street recalls our own people’s painful history with America’s refugee system and is proud to stand alongside organizations like HIAS in condemning this latest proposal.
Read and share the full submission →

Our Israel: How bereaved families on both sides of the conflict are leading a movement for reconciliation

A Jerusalem Open House event
Israelis and Palestinians may be separated by barriers, war and division, but for decades, the Parents Circle – Family Forum has been bringing bereaved families from both sides of the conflict together to campaign for peace.

“Our Israel” is a J Street initiative to spotlight amazing Israeli organizations and individuals who share our values and who struggle, as we do in the United States, to build and preserve a liberal, democratic society underpinned by the principles of equality, freedom, justice and peace. This month, we focus on the moving and powerful work of bereaved families in Israel and the occupied territories who have united to tell their stories and lay the groundwork for reconciliation.

“We’re the only advocacy group to say we don’t want any new members,” Robi Damelin, who lost her son to the conflict, tells J Street in a moving interview.
Read and share the full profile →

J Street U Elects 2020-21 Board

J Street would like to congratulate Yoni Slater of George Washington University on their election as J Street U President for the coming school year. "I’m so excited to be leading a team of such talented, dedicated, and qualified leaders into this crucial year ahead,” Yoni said, “and to continuing to grow our presence on campus and advocating on local, national and international issues with the support of everyone at J Street."

The newly elected J Street U board also welcomes Brit Zack from Columbia University, Julia Kupferman from Tufts University, Bentley Addison from Johns Hopkins University, Han Fish-Bieler from Washington University, Talla Khelghati from UCLA and Bayla Jaffe from the University of Washington.

J Street U stood at the forefront of our #ChangeThePlatform campaign, and last year, the team led our groundbreaking Let Our People Know model trip to Israel and the West Bank. We can’t wait to see what they accomplish in the year ahead.

Do you know a college student who’d be interested in learning more about J Street U? Find J Street U on campus, or simply reply to this email to ask about setting up a new chapter >>

Catch up on J Stream, Don’t Skip Out on J School

A Jerusalem Open House event
The depth and range of J Street’s online programming continued to grow in July, with the launch of J School’s interactive courses and a series of high-profile J Stream events.

Through J School, we’re building on J Street’s commitment to being a go-to resource for pro-Israel, pro-peace and pro-diplomacy education. In August, the series will deliver masterclasses on Israeli politics, Palestinian politics, the US-Israel relationship and the issues at the heart of negotiations -- and how to solve them.
Check out August's J School courses →

Must Watch on J Stream

Representative Pressley

The Continued Struggle for Racial Justice: A Conversation with Rep. Ayanna Pressley

Watch →
Eric Holder

Gerrymandering and Voter Disenfranchisement: A Conversation with Attorney General Eric Holder

Watch →

Aid to Israel and Annexation: a Conversation with Rob Malley and Andrew Miller

Watch →
Donate →

© 2020 J Street | | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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