IIIC's Director of Immigration Legal Services, Anthony Marino speaks with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC Tuesday evening, about medical deferred action and how it is impacting clients we serve.
Last week, families with pending medical deferred action applications began to receive notices that their requests had been denied with no consideration, and further, that they must leave the country within 33 days or face deportation. 

Almost all of these cases involve those who have traveled to the U.S. and have fallen gravely ill. The illness or injury can make it impossible for an individual to leave, lest they stop life-saving treatment that is not available in their country. Here at the IIIC, many of the cases we represent are those of sick children. 
The Trump administration has given their parents an ultimatum: leave the U.S. and let your child suffer or even die, or stay in the U.S. and get deported.

We hosted a press conference on Monday with partners in Boston, including Senator Markey, Mayor Walsh, Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), ACLU of Massachusetts, Health Law Advocates, American Immigration Lawyer's Association New England (AILA), Haitian Americans United and 32BJ SEIU, as well as representatives from several Boston Area Hospitals, to shed light on this sudden policy change and stand with the impacted families.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) is now saying medical deferral decisions will be made by ICE; however, this has not been communicated to lawyers and clients with pending cases, and families continue to receive denial letters- with some delivered directly to patients at the hospital.

"This attack on children and their families is inhumane and unjust,” said Ronnie Millar, executive director of the IIIC. “These families are all here receiving treatment that is unavailable in their home countries, and our government has issued them a death sentence. Just when you think the administration can’t sink any lower, it finds a new way to torture people. The IIIC will continue to stand up for the basic human rights of immigrant children and families.”

The IIIC is exploring all options with the ACLU, AILA, and other partners, for legal challenges to protect families from deportation. 

Recent media coverage of this issue:

The Beat With Ari Melber, MSNBC- August 28, 2019

WBUR News- August 28, 2019

The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC-August 27, 2019

New Federal Immigration Move Would Deport Some Sick Children. 
The Boston Globe – August 26, 2019
Irish International Immigrant Center
One State Street 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02109
www.iiicenter.org | 617-542-7654
1 State Street, Boston, MA 02109, United States
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