THANK YOU! Ready for the next project?
Special to People's World

Peoples World cannot say it enough or more sincerely: Your response to our appeals for donations has been terrific, and we want to wish each and every one of you a fantastic end of summer and beginning of the fall season.
We are about to do another one of our unique and special projects. People's World is heading to Europe right after Labor Day for the Avante! Festival in Portugal.
At the event, which is named for and sponsored by Avante!, the country's main left-wing newspaper, our reporters will meet and talk with activists and leaders in the many fights for people and planet going on around the world, and they will bring you that news.
In Germany, they will take you into the streets of large cities where neo-Nazis are trying to win elections, and they will bring you the stories of the people and the coalitions that are planning to keep the fascists out of the state governments in that country.
Please make another one of your generous donations before our correspondents depart. It will help them bring you even better and deeper coverage than they otherwise could.
Thank you!