Dear John,
As we mark the solemn 75th anniversaries of the beginning of the nuclear age, the Arms Control Association is offering complimentary access to the full online content in our special July/August 2020 issue of Arms Control Today (ACT).
In addition to ACT’s news reporting on the latest developments, this issue includes some special features that may be of interest to you and your networks in the coming weeks:
- a prescription for survival by former editorial writer for The New York Times, Carol Giacomo, on "Getting Back on Track to Zero Nuclear Weapons"
- a personal remembrance from Setsuko Thurlow on her experience in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945
- "Reflections on Injustice Racism and the Bomb” by Vincent Intondi, author of African Americans Against the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Colonialism, and the Black Freedom Movement
- an interview with Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui on "Freeing the World of Nuclear Weapons”
- an essay and photo collection on the catastrophic "Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings and the Nuclear Danger Today"
- a stunning visual description of modern-day nuclear strike scenarios: "Plan A: How a Nuclear War Could Progress” by the team at the Princeton Program on Science and Global Security.
We have also published a short "silent-film" style video essay describing “The 1945 Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki" that is available online on our YouTube channel.
We encourage you to share this content with your friends, networks, on social media, in your membership newsletters, Hiroshima/Nagasaki Day commemoration events, in the classroom, or on the speaking circuit. (We simply ask that you cite the Arms Control Association as the source. Please contact Tony Fleming, our director for communications, for any assistance.)
This issue of Arms Control Today represents but a small contribution to our work together marking this moment in history and forging a path towards a safer world free from the threat of nuclear weapons.
If you find this material useful in this regard, please consider becoming an ACA member and subscribing to Arms Control Today. Our work depends on the support of individuals and donors like you.
In peace,
Daryl G. Kimball,
Executive Director
Kathy Crandall Robinson
Chief of Operations