You could win a seat on the campaign plane… with me! Open this email to see how! //


I want you to join me on the campaign plane! That’s right – I’m going to be on the plane with Jagmeet and our NDP Team as we criss-cross the country and share our commitments with hundreds of thousands of Canadians – and I’m pretty excited.

I’ve been working with Jagmeet since his first campaign – and I’ve seen the way he’s able to bring people together and inspire Canadians to fight for change. And right now, that means using the Leader’s Tour to connect with people about our New Deal for People and sending NDP MPs to Ottawa to stand up for us.

There’s nothing more exciting in a campaign than being where the action is – and this is your chance to see it all happen from a seat – YOUR seat – on the plane! If you chip in $3 right now, you’ll be automatically entered to win a ride with Jagmeet (and me!) on the campaign plane. Don’t miss out!

Chip in!

People are feeling left behind by a government that chooses to protect their corporate friends over everyday people. Our Leader’s Tour is an opportunity to get Jagmeet connected with people all over the country – to let them know our NDP Team is fighting to invest in the services families rely on, close tax loopholes that let the ultra-rich off the hook, and take on big polluters.

I’m pumped– and I can’t wait to find out who will be joining us on a key part of our campaign trail – and experiencing the amazing energy and momentum we’ll be building all across Canada.

I want you to be a part of it and join me on the plane. I don’t want you to miss your boarding call – will you chip in $3 and be automatically entered to win?




Nader Mohamed
Digital Director
Canada’s NDP

What's Jet with Jagmeet?

Our Jet with Jagmeet Contest is your chance to win a seat on the campaign plane with Jagmeet and see the amazing work Jagmeet and our NDP Team are doing on the road.

Our New Deal for People takes on the big polluters, drug companies, and corporate tax giveaways that have cost working people too much for too long. That’s what this campaign is about – making life more affordable for families, investing in the services people count on, and taking action to fight climate change.

We want you to have a front row seat as Jagmeet travels across Canada and connects with families about our commitments – and what having a New Democrat MP in your corner will mean.

Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with Jagmeet, see what our Leader’s Tour is all about, and take to the sky to help us spread the word about our New Deal in communities across Canada.

Chip in now and be automatically entered to win a seat on the campaign plane!

Chip in!

“Jet with Jagmeet Contest” – Summary of Contest Rules: No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing to the New Democratic Party of Canada (“NDP”) will not increase chances of winning. The Contest opens at 12:00 am Eastern Time August 20, 2019 and closes at 11:59 pm Eastern Time August 31, 2019, and no entries submitted after that date will be accepted. One (1) winner will receive the following prize package: One (1) seat for the Winner on the campaign plane during the 2019 Federal Election from a pick-up location to a drop-off destination that reflects the day’s campaign schedule and activities, subject to the discretion of the Contest Organizer; one (1) economy-class airplane ticket for the Winner from the major airport closest to the Winner’s address within Canada to the pick-up location, at an approximate value of $600, or alternatively, if the pick-up location is within 600 kilometers of the Winner’s address within Canada, ground transportation at an approximate value of $200; one (1) economy-class airplane ticket for the Winner from the drop-off destination to the major airport closest to the Winner’s address within Canada, at an approximate value of $600, or alternatively, if the drop-off destination is within 600 kilometers of the Winner’s address within Canada, ground transportation at an approximate value of $200; and up to two (2) nights accommodation, if necessary, (dependent on location of the Winner’s home, schedule of transportation to and from that destination, and the day’s campaign schedule and activities), at a hotel to be determined by the Contest Organizer in its sole discretion in a double-occupancy room or room of equivalent value, at an approximate retail value of $400 (approximate retail value $400-$1600). The Contest Organizer will determine, in its sole discretion, the date, location, duration, attendees, form of travel, and all other relevant details of the Trip. To enter the Contest, complete and submit this online entry before the Contest Closing Date. Entrance into this Contest constitutes permission for the NDP to use Participants’ names, cities. and provinces/territories of residence and likenesses for purposes of advertising and publicity in any and all media now or hereafter known throughout the world in perpetuity, without further compensation, notification, or permission, unless prohibited by law. Odds of winning the Prize are dependent on the total number of entries to the Contest. The Potential Winner will be selected by draw by an employee of the NDP at noon Eastern Time September 9, 2019 in Ottawa, Ontario, and must correctly answer a skill-testing question in order to be declared the Winner. This Contest is open to all Canadian citizens and permanent residents currently living in Canada who have reached the age of majority in their respective province/territory, and who are eligible for travel in Canada as of the date the Contest closes, and for the duration of the Trip. The Contest is not open to: officers and employees of The New Democrats of Canada Association as chief agent for the NDP, including its provincial/territorial associations; and their immediate family members. This Contest is void where prohibited. Please click here to read the detailed Contest Rules which Participants must agree to in order to participate in the Contest. Contest Organizer: The New Democrats of Canada Association as chief agent for the NDP, 300-279 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5J9.


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
