New Matching Gift Challenge: The Staley family's recipe for hope
Alzheimer's Association DONATE NOW
$50,000 Match: The Staley family invites you to join with them to fight Alzheimer's.
A message for you from long-time supporter Carolyn Staley
Dear John,
About eight years ago, we noticed my mother, Betty Ann — famous in our family for her baking skills — couldn't remember how to make her signature cake.

In addition to baking from scratch, my mother taught civics and history. She simply didn't forget things. So we took her to the neurologist. That day marked the beginning of my mom's nearly decade-long battle with Alzheimer's disease.

Sadly, we lost my mom a few months ago. It's in her honor that my husband, David, and I proudly offer a $50,000 Matching Gift Challenge to help the Alzheimer's Association provide care and support to families like mine, while advancing vital research — but only if supporters like you can match the $50,000 by August 15.

Together, we can beat Alzheimer's. Will you join the fight against Alzheimer's by donating today, when your gift, up to a total of $50,000, can have double the impact?

Through the Alzheimer's Association, I was able to stay up to date on the latest discoveries and clinical trials. I also learned simple tips — like not correcting my mom when she misspoke — to improve my care for her. The rest of my family got involved, too. My stepson joined a Walk to End Alzheimer's® team through his company. The work and commitment of the Association gave — and continues to give — us hope.

That's why our family wanted to do something substantial to further the Alzheimer's Association mission to lead the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support. And it's why I hope you'll donate today when your gift can make twice the difference to families like mine, up to a total of $50,000, through August 15.

Soon, my family will gather to memorialize my mother. We'll share stories and our love for her and plant a "flame" azalea in her memory. Please join us today by making a donation to make tomorrow better for the millions of people like my family impacted by this disease.

Carolyn Staley
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P.S. Thank you in advance for making a generous gift to the Alzheimer's Association now, while you can double your impact on their work to provide care and support and advance vital research to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia.
Your donation will strengthen our efforts to advance Alzheimer's care, support and research. From face-to-face support to online education programs and promising global research initiatives, your gift makes a difference in the lives of all those affected by Alzheimer's and other dementias in your community and across the world. Thank you for your continued support.

Alzheimer's Association Home Office, 225 N. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17, Chicago, IL 60601
© 2020 Alzheimer's Association. All rights reserved.
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